Paul's Hardships - 2 Corinthians 6:3-13
Understand It
- What is the connection between the credibility of Christianity and the people who call themselves Christians? (6:3)
- Whose authority did Paul claim? (6:4)
- What does this passage say about Paul’s attitude toward the ministry of sharing the gospel? (6:4)
- What does this passage say about the cost of being Christ’s disciple? (6:4-10)
- What price did Paul pay for following Christ? (6:4-10)
- What kind of weapons did Paul use? (6:7)
- How did the accusations against Paul differ from the reality Paul experienced as an ambassador for Christ? (6:9-10)
- In what way was Paul poor yet rich? (6:10)
- To what lengths did Paul go to show his love for the Corinthians? (6:11-13)
Apply It
- Of the virtues purity, understanding, patience, and kindness, which do you want to ask God to help you practice this week?
- What can you do this week to help another Christian persevere through hard times?
Do Not Be Yoked with Unbelievers - 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1
Understand It
- Who were the "unbelievers" Paul described? (6:14)
- Why is it wrong and dangerous for Christians to be bound together with unbelievers? (6:14-16)
- How did Paul balance encouragement with warnings in this passage? (6:14-7:1)
- In what way are Christians unique? (6:16)
- Why is it important for Christians to be separate from non-Christian influences? (6:16-18)
- What did Paul warn Christians not to do? (6:16-18)
- On what condition does the Lord receive people? (6:17)
- What does God call His people? (6:18)
- How did Paul sum up his quotation of Isaiah 52:11? (7:1)
- From what did the Corinthians need to purify themselves? (7:1)
- Why should we strive to perfect holiness in our lives? (7:1)
Apply It
- In what relationships do you need to maintain your freedom to follow Christian convictions?
- What can you do this week to show your reverence for God?