August 28


New Testament in a Year – Ephesians 4

By Ron

August 28, 2024

Ephesians, New Testament

Unity in the Body of Christ - Ephesians 4:1-16

Understand It

  • What did Paul urge the Ephesians to do? (4:1)
  • What three virtues foster unity among Christians? (4:2)
  • How should Christians conduct themselves toward each other? Why? (4:2-6)
  • What are the seven elements of Christian unity? (4:4-6)
  • How is Christian unity related to the nature of God? (4:4-6)
  • How are we enabled to live at peace with each other? (4:7)
  • Who gives grace to each believer? (4:7)
  • How did Paul confirm God’s giving of gifts? (4:8)
  • What commentary did Paul make on the Old Testament passage he quoted? Why? (4:9-11)
  • With what kind of people does God fill the church? (4:11)
  • What is the purpose of spiritual gifts? (4:12-13)
  • What results from gifted believers equipping the church? (4:14-16)

Apply It

  • How do you need to show humility, gentleness, and patience in dealing with a difficult relationship this week?
  • What service can you offer another church member to help build up the body of Christ?
  • To whom do you need to speak the truth lovingly this week?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at

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