October 9


New Testament in a Year – Titus 2

By Ron

October 9, 2024

New Testament, Titus

What Must Be Taught to Various Groups - Titus 2:1-15

Understand It

  • What main theme begins this chapter? (2:1)
  • What is important for older men to be taught? (2:2)
  • How can older and younger Christians help each other? (2:2-8)
  • What must older women be taught? Why? (2:3-5)
  • What responsibility do older women have? (2:4)
  • What should younger women be taught? (2:4-5)
  • Why is it important for Christians to live blameless lives? (2:5)
  • What advice did Paul give to younger men? (2:6-8)
  • Who should set an example for others? How? (2:7)
  • What response did Paul hope for? (2:8)
  • How did Paul instruct slaves? Why? (2:9-10)
  • What does the grace of God bring? (2:11)
  • Why should all Christians, whether old or young, be taught? (2:11-14)
  • What motivation do we have to live righteous lives? (2:12-13)
  • How did Paul emphasize the importance of teaching all Christians? (2:15)

Apply It

  • Of all the advice Paul gives in this passage about how to live a holy life, what is one specific area that you will commit yourself to concentrate on this next week?
  • How can you remind yourself each day that the way you work is a testimony to others?
  • What step can you take in the near future to learn from another more mature Christian?
  • What step can you take in the near future to share what you have learned with a younger believer?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

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