October 16


New Testament in a Year – Hebrews 3

By Ron

October 16, 2024

Hebrews, New Testament

Jesus Greater Than Moses - Hebrews 3:1-6

Understand It

  • How did the author of Hebrews address those reading his letter? (3:1)
  • What blessing is promised to those who know Christ? (3:1)
  • What command is given to those who want to be faithful followers of Jesus Christ? (3:1)
  • Who is Jesus? (3:1-2)
  • How is Jesus like Moses? (3:2)
  • In what ways are Moses and Jesus similar? (3:2, 5-6)
  • Why is Jesus worthy of more honor than Moses? (3:3-6)
  • What has Jesus done as God? (3:4)
  • How are the people of God or the family of God described in this passage? (3:4-6)
  • How do we demonstrate that we are members of God’s household? (3:6)
  • What qualities are necessary for us to be faithful children of God? (3:6)

Apply It

  • What can you do over the next twenty-four hours to fix your thoughts on Jesus?
  • What is one concrete way you can give to Jesus the honor that He deserves today?
  • What Scriptural promise or biblical truth can you hold on to today to help you remain a faithful part of God’s house?

Warning Against Unbelief - Hebrews 3:7-19

Understand It

  • Who is identified as the author of Psalm 95:7-11? (3:7)
  • What warning (first issued by the psalmist) is repeated here by the author of Hebrews? (3:7-8)
  • How is Israel’s period of wandering in the wilderness described in this passage? (3:8)
  • Why was God angry with the generation of Israelites who came out of Egyptian exile? (3:9)
  • How did the Spirit of God describe the Israelites of the Exodus? (3:10)
  • What were the consequences of the Israelites’ stubborn disobedience? (3:11)
  • In light of the disobedience of the Israelites of the Exodus, what command was given to the Jewish Christians of the first century? (3:12)
  • How are those described who turn away from the living God? (3:12)
  • What is the connection between sin and unbelief? (3:12-13)
  • How might a person show that he or she has "come to share in Christ"? (3:14)
  • How long did the disobedient Israelites wander in the wilderness? (3:17)
  • What happened to the generation of Israelites who rebelled against God in the wilderness? (3:17-18)

Apply It

  • What practical steps can you take this week to soften your heart toward God?
  • What routine can you set up and follow over the next month to help soften your heart toward God?
  • Whom can you encourage today? How?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

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