A Sabbath-Rest for the People of God - Hebrews 4:1-13
Understand It
- What important promise is the subject of this passage? (4:1)
- How do we know that not everyone will experience God’s rest (that is, His salvation)? (4:1-2)
- Why didn’t the Israelites of the Exodus enter God’s rest? (4:2)
- What must a person do to experience God’s rest? (4:3)
- How long has God been giving us a chance to enter His rest? (4:4)
- What was the consequence for the Israelites’ disobedience? (4:5)
- Why did some who heard the promise of rest fail to enjoy that promise? (4:6)
- How did the author show that the rest God promised the Israelites involved more than mere physical rest in the land of Canaan? (4:8)
- What rest awaited God’s people after Joshua and the Israelites had conquered Canaan? (4:8-9)
- Entering God’s rest has what effect on our work? (4:10)
- How should we seek to learn from the Israelites’ negative example? (4:11)
- What is the Word of God? How? (4:12)
- What is unique about God? (4:13)
- What sort of future awaits all of us? (4:13)
Apply It
- What one area of your life do you need to turn over to God today?
- What steps can you take this week to learn from the negative examples of others?
Jesus the Great High Priest - Hebrews 4:14-5:10
Understand It
- To what important spiritual leader did the author of Hebrews compare Jesus? (4:14)
- In what way is Jesus the ultimate high priest? (4:15)
- In what ways was Jesus tempted? (4:15)
- How is Jesus able to sympathize with us? (4:15)
- Because of Jesus’ superior high priesthood, how can forgiven sinners approach God? (4:16)
- How does Christ respond to those who approach Him in faith? (4:15-16) Why?
- What is the role and primary duty of a high priest? (5:1)
- What makes a good high priest sympathetic to those he represents? (5:2)
- For whom did a high priest offer sacrifices? (5:3)
- Who chose Israel’s high priests? (5:4)
- How is Jesus like Melchizedek? (5:6)
- In what priestly activities did Jesus engage while on earth? (5:7)
- What did Jesus’ sufferings teach Him? (5:8)
- Who is described in this passage as the "source of eternal salvation"? (5:9)
Apply It
- When will you pray each day this week, approaching God through Christ?
- What steps do you need to take this week to follow the obedient example of Jesus, who did God’s will even when it resulted in personal suffering?