October 17


New Testament in a Year – Hebrews 4

By Ron

October 17, 2024

Hebrews, New Testament

A Sabbath-Rest for the People of God - Hebrews 4:1-13

Understand It

  • What important promise is the subject of this passage? (4:1)
  • How do we know that not everyone will experience God’s rest (that is, His salvation)? (4:1-2)
  • Why didn’t the Israelites of the Exodus enter God’s rest? (4:2)
  • What must a person do to experience God’s rest? (4:3)
  • How long has God been giving us a chance to enter His rest? (4:4)
  • What was the consequence for the Israelites’ disobedience? (4:5)
  • Why did some who heard the promise of rest fail to enjoy that promise? (4:6)
  • How did the author show that the rest God promised the Israelites involved more than mere physical rest in the land of Canaan? (4:8)
  • What rest awaited God’s people after Joshua and the Israelites had conquered Canaan? (4:8-9)
  • Entering God’s rest has what effect on our work? (4:10)
  • How should we seek to learn from the Israelites’ negative example? (4:11)
  • What is the Word of God? How? (4:12)
  • What is unique about God? (4:13)
  • What sort of future awaits all of us? (4:13)

Apply It

  • What one area of your life do you need to turn over to God today?
  • What steps can you take this week to learn from the negative examples of others?

Jesus the Great High Priest - Hebrews 4:14-5:10

Understand It

  • To what important spiritual leader did the author of Hebrews compare Jesus? (4:14)
  • In what way is Jesus the ultimate high priest? (4:15)
  • In what ways was Jesus tempted? (4:15)
  • How is Jesus able to sympathize with us? (4:15)
  • Because of Jesus’ superior high priesthood, how can forgiven sinners approach God? (4:16)
  • How does Christ respond to those who approach Him in faith? (4:15-16) Why?
  • What is the role and primary duty of a high priest? (5:1)
  • What makes a good high priest sympathetic to those he represents? (5:2)
  • For whom did a high priest offer sacrifices? (5:3)
  • Who chose Israel’s high priests? (5:4)
  • How is Jesus like Melchizedek? (5:6)
  • In what priestly activities did Jesus engage while on earth? (5:7)
  • What did Jesus’ sufferings teach Him? (5:8)
  • Who is described in this passage as the "source of eternal salvation"? (5:9)

Apply It

  • When will you pray each day this week, approaching God through Christ?
  • What steps do you need to take this week to follow the obedient example of Jesus, who did God’s will even when it resulted in personal suffering?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

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