God Disciplines His Sons - Hebrews 12:1-13
Understand It
- What should motivate followers of Christ to live for Him? (12:1)
- What kind of athletic imagery did the writer of Hebrews use in this passage? (12:1)
- What warning is given to those who would run the race of the Christian life? (12:1)
- What should be the focus of those who would live for Christ? (12:2)
- How is Jesus described in this passage? (12:2)
- What is the benefit of remembering what Christ has done? (12:3)
- What measures does the Lord sometimes take toward those who are His "sons"? Why? (12:5-6)
- What do we learn about God from the fact that He disciplines us? (12:6-7)
- What sobering truth can be inferred by those who never experience the discipline of God? (12:8)
- Why does God discipline His children? (12:9-10)
- In what sense does discipline have two sides? (12:11)
Apply It
- How can you focus your thinking on Christ this week?
- How could you call on your Christian friends this week to help you persevere as a Christian?
- What do you want to remember the next time God disciplines you?
- What step of obedience can you take beginning today to eliminate the need for God to discipline you?
Warning Against Refusing God - Hebrews 12:14-29
Understand It
- To what extent are Christians to try to resolve conflicts? Why? (12:14)
- In what way should believers pursue holiness? Why? (12:14)
- Why is holiness important? (12:14)
- What wrong attitude should we watch out for? (12:15)
- What kinds of things do Christians need to watch out for? Why? (12:15-17, 25-27)
- What did Esau do that is described as godless? (12:16)
- What did Esau’s godless behavior cost him? (12:17)
- In what ways was the old covenant intimidating or frightening? (12:18-21)
- How is Mount Sinai described—the place where the old covenant was revealed? (12:18)
- How did the author describe the new covenant? (12:22-24)
- In what way were God’s thunderous pronouncements from Sinai only a foreshadowing of what is to come? (12:26-27)
- Of what kind of kingdom are Christians a part? (12:28)
- How should God’s promises and glorious kingdom affect believers? (12:28)
- How should we worship God? Why? (12:28-29)
Apply It
- What bitter or unforgiving attitudes do you need to confess today?
- What practical steps can you take this week to avoid becoming bitter toward someone who has hurt you?
- What actions do you need to take today so that you can truly say you have made every effort to live in peace with everyone?