January 13


Chronological Bible Study – Jan 13

By Ron

January 13, 2025

Bible Study Daily, Chronological, Epoch 1, Job

What I Noticed Today (Job 35-37)

Job 35

  • Job 35:1-3. Elihu suggested that Job was being inconsistent in his hope to be vindicated by God while stating that being innocent was of no value.
  • Job 35:4-8. Elihu argues that man’s righteousness or sin does not affect God because God is above it all.
  • Job 35:9-16. Elihu claims that God does not respond to man’s insincere pleas for help because they stem from pride.

Job 36

  • Job 36:5-7. Elihu makes the first of four statements about God’s power. God is might and great in understanding.
  • Job 36:8-10. Elihu claims that God uses the suffering of trials to lead men to repent of their pride.
  • Job 36:11-12. Elihu suggests that a Godly man who is suffering will obey and serve God, and then they will be prosperous once again.
  • Job 36:13-15. Elihu claims that true sinners, those that are godless, refuse to cry for help, and so they die at a young age.
  • Job 36:16-21. Elihu says God would like to free Job from his suffering, but Job refuses to repent of his pride, preferring to complain about his situation.
  • Job 36:22-26. Elihu speaks of God’s incomprehensible greatness.

Job 37

  • Job 36:30-37:18. Elihu proclaims God’s sovereignty over the seasons: in autumn, God uses evaporation, precipitation, thunder, and lightning to both judge and bless nations (individuals); in winter, God uses snow, ice, and downpours; and in summer, God uses clear blue skies.
  • Job 37:19-21. Does Elihu suggest that if Job doesn’t even understand God’s use of the seasons, how can he hope to stand and make a case before God?
  • Job 37:22-24. Elihu repeats his view of God’s sovereignty (justice) and power, suggesting that Job’s big problem was being prideful and his refusal to repent to God.

Some thoughts for additional consideration:

  • Elihu has defended God, emphasized Job’s need for humility, and proclaimed God’s majesty and power. I’m amused by Elihu suggesting that Job’s trials were a result of his pridefulness, yet he felt comfortable speaking on God’s behalf, saying he had “perfect knowledge”! Nature certainly displays God’s power and majesty, but it is through his Son, Jesus Christ, that we see God’s grace and mercy!

What did you notice in your study today? Feel free to visit the website and leave a question or a comment.

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

Tomorrow: Day 14 Job 38-39

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