What I Noticed Today (Exodus 30-32)
Exodus 30
In chapter 30, God gives instructions to Moses for the incense altar, atonement money, the bronze basin, the anointing oil, and the sacred incense.
In verses 1-10, God gives Moses instructions regarding the incense altar:
- The incense altar was to be made of acacia wood with horns and overlaid with gold.
- It is to have rings fastened to the sides so it can be carried with poles made of acacia wood. The poles are also to be overlaid with gold.
- The altar of incense is to be placed in the tent of meeting in front of the veil (the curtain that divides the space).
- Aaron must burn incense on it every morning when he tends the lamps and at twilight.
- You must not burn unauthorized incense on it, a burnt offering, a grain offering, or pour out a drink offering on it.
- Once a year, Aaron is to purify the altar with the blood of the sin offering for atonement. The altar is especially holy to the Lord.
In verses 11-16, God gives Moses instructions regarding the atonement money:
- When you take a census, each man must pay a ransom for himself to the Lord when he registers.
- Every man 20-years old or older must pay a half-shekel contribution to the Lord.
- The wealthy cannot give more, and the poor cannot give less. It is for you to atone for your lives.
- The money is to be used in the service of the tabernacle.
In verses 17-21, the Lord gives Moses instructions regarding the bronze basin:
- Make a bronze basin and a stand of bronze. Place it between the altar and the tent of meeting.
- Aaron and his sons must wash their hands and feet from the basin whenever they come to minister before the Lord.
In verses 22-33, the Lord gives instructions to Moses for the anointing oil:
- Make a fragrant anointing oil from myrrh cinnamon, cane, cassia, and olive oil. It is to be used for anointing.
- You are to anoint the tent of meeting, the ark of the testimony, the table with all its utensils, the altar of incense, the altar of burnt offering, and the basin with its stand.
- Consecrate them, and they will become especially holy. Whatever touches them will become holy.
- This holy anointing oil must not be used for anointing a person’s body. You must not make anything like it. It is holy. Anyone who produces something like it or puts some on an unauthorized person must be cut off from the people.
In verses 34-38, God gives Moses instructions regarding the sacred incense:
- Gather stacte, onycha, galbanum, and frankincense and blend them with pure sea salt.
- Grind them into a powder and place them in front of the ark of the testimony in the tent of meeting. It must be especially holy to you.
- Anyone who makes something like it must be cut off from the people.
Exodus 31
In chapter 31, God makes the provision of skilled workers and gives Moses instructions for the observation of the Sabbath.
In verses 1-11, God appoints skilled workers:
- God appointed Bezalel, son of Uri, son of Hur of the tribe of Judah. He is filled with the Spirit, wisdom, and skill in designing artistic works in gold, silver, bronze, precious stones, and carving wood.
- God appointed Oholiab, son of Ahisamach of the tribe of Dan to be with Bezalel.
- God placed wisdom in every skilled worker to make all of the furnishings, articles, garments, oils, and incense according to His commands.
In verses 12-17, God gives instructions to Moses regarding the Sabbath:
- The Lord reminded Moses to be sure to instruct the Israelites to keep the Sabbath.
- It is a sign between Me (God) and you through the generations. It is a sign that sets you apart.
- It is holy. Anyone who profanes the Sabbath is to be put to death.
- If anyone does work on the Sabbath, he is to be cut off from his people.
- The Sabbath is a perpetual covenant between The Israelites and Me.
In verse 18, God gave the tablets to Moses:
- Once God completed giving all the instructions to Moses, He gave Moses the two stone tablets inscribed by God.
Some thoughts for additional consideration:
- God called and spiritually gifted with ability, intelligence, and knowledge one man from the tribe of Judah and one man from the tribe of Dan to craft the articles needed for the tabernacle. Also, God provided other gifted men to assist in the endeavor. Where God leads, He equips us for the work and provides resources needed to accomplish whatever it is He has in mind for us!
- God established the Sabbath as a day of rest. Six days’ man was to work and rest one day, just as God did in the creation. Even the construction of the holy tabernacle was to stop on the Sabbath, and anyone who violated the Sabbath was to be put to death. God clearly takes the need for a Sabbath day of rest and refreshment very seriously!
Exodus 32
In chapter 32, the people break their covenant promise with God by making a golden idol.
In verses 1-6 the people make an idol:
- When Moses didn’t come back down from the mountain right away, the people came to Aaron and asked him to make a god for them that would go before them.
- Aaron told them to bring him their gold rings, and with them, he fashioned a golden idol in the shape of a calf, and they said, this is your God who brought you out of Egypt.
Note: A calf was a symbol of strength and sexual virility in both Egyptian and Canaanite cultures.
- Aaron built an altar and announced there would be a festival to God (Yahweh) the next day.
- Early the next day, they got up early and made fellowship and burnt offerings.
- Then they ate and drank and got up to play (some translations “indulge in revelry”).
Note: The word translated “play” or “revelry” suggests immorality.
In verses 7-14, Moses intercedes on behalf of the people:
- The Lord spoke to Moses, telling him what the people had acted corruptly in making the idol and worshiping and sacrificing to it.
Note: The word translated “corruptly” means something that is so spoiled it has no further use.
- God accused them of being stiff-necked (stubborn). He wanted to destroy them and start over in building Moses into a great nation.
- But Moses interceded on behalf of the people. Pleading for mercy, Moses asked God to remember His promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to bring them into the Promised Land. So God relented.
In verses 15-29, Moses confronts Aaron and the people:
- Carrying the tablets of the Law God had made, Moses came down from the mountain with Joshua. As they got close to camp, they saw the golden calf and the people dancing. Moses was furious. He threw down the tablets breaking them.
- He took the golden calf ground it up, put the powder in water, and made the people drink it.
- Moses then confronted Aaron asking why he led the people to sin so greatly.
- Aaron immediately cast blame on the people saying they were evil. Then he lied saying he had taken their gold, thrown it into the fire, and out came the golden calf.
- Moses saw the people were out of control because Aaron let them get out of control.
- Moses asked for those who are for the Lord to come to him and all the Levites assembled. Moses ordered them to kill all those who were still worshipping the idol. That day 3,000 people were killed.
- Moses commended the Levites, saying they had been dedicated to the Lord and had brought a blessing upon themselves by their actions.
In verses 30-35, Moses intercedes a second time for the people:
- The next day Moses accused the people of a great sin and returned to the Lord to atone for them.
- Moses asked God to forgive them, and if not, erase me from the book You have written.
Note: Moses’s request is not to be removed from the book of life and suffer eternal damnation, but to be taken by God (premature death).
- God refuses to kill Moses but says He will erase those who sinned.
- Then God told Moses to lead the people to the place He told them. He would send an angel to lead them.
- The Lord sent a plague on the people for the sin they committed by worshipping the golden calf.
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