June 12


Chronological Bible Study – June 12

By Ron

June 12, 2024

1 Kings, 2 Chronicles, Bible Study Daily, Chronological, Epoch 4

What I Noticed Today (1 Kings 7; 2 Chronicles 4)

1 Kings 7

Once the Temple was completed, David began building his own house and other buildings in the palace complex.

In verse 1, the construction of Solomon’s palace took 13 years to complete.

In verses 2-12, the construction of a building referred to as “The House of the Forest of Lebanon” is described.

  • In addition, Solomon also built a house like this hall for Pharaoh’s daughter, his wife.

Note: The name of the building is derived from the number and size of the cedar pillars used in its construction.

  • All of the buildings were made of stone and cedar wood.

In verses 13-47, while his own house was being built, Solomon brought Huram/Hiram (not the same Hiram as the king), who was a skilled worker in bronze to make all the temple furnishings. 

  • Verses 15-22. Two large bronze pillars were cast in bronze. They were installed at the portico of the sanctuary (the entrance to the Temple. The one on the left was named Boaz (in Him is Strength) and the one on the right was named Jachin (He shall establish).
  • Verses 23-26. The Sea, a large bronze basin that held 11,000 gallons of water was cast and placed on 12 bronze oxen. It was placed between the Temple and the altar.
  • Verses 27-39. Ten bronze water basins were cast and placed on wooden carts with wheels so they could be moved from place to place. Each basin held 220 gallons of water.
  • Verses 40-47. Hiram supervised the casting of all the bronze pots, shovels, and bowls used in the temple.

In verses 48-50, Solomon completed the construction of all the gold furnishings used in the Temple including the altar of incense, the table of gold, ten gold tables for the showbread, ten gold lampstands, and all the gold utensils.

In verse 51, when all the furnishings were completed, Solomon had them dedicated and stored in the temple treasury.

Some thoughts for additional consideration:

  • Building the temple was a massive undertaking It required adherence to the details of God’s plan. It required significant preparation in the assembling of the materials. And perhaps most importantly, when it came time to build, it required sacrifice, cooperation among the people, and sustained focus over a long period of time.
  • Imagine what we might accomplish as a people of God, if we came together in such unity of purpose, with such dedication, willingness to sacrifice, and focus today!

2 Chronicles 4

2 Chronicles 4 lists some of the major elements that went into furnishing the temple.

In verses 1-6, Solomon had the bronze altar and the bronze sea made (some Bibles say “reservoir”). The large sea held 3,000 baths (about 18,000 gallons, more than the average backyard swimming pool), was placed on top of four bronze oxen.

In verses 7-11, there were golden lampstands, tables, pots, shovels, and basins all made of pure gold or cast bronze.

Note: The “priest’s courtyard” referred to in verse 9 would be the “inner courtyard” described in 1 Kings 6:36. The “large courtyard” was the “great courtyard” described in 1 Kings 7:12.

In verses 12-18, Huram (see 2 Chronicles 2:13) made all the cast bronze elements for the Lord’s temple in the Jordan Valley (about 35 miles north of the Dead Sea).

In verses 19-22, all the items Solomon had made for the Lord’s temple in gold or bronze are summarized again.

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

Tomorrow: 1 Kings 8; 2 Chronicles 5

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