June 22


Chronological Bible Study – June 22

By Ron

June 22, 2024

Bible Study Daily, Chronological, Epoch 4, Proverbs

What I Noticed Today (Proverbs 30-31)

Proverbs 30

Proverbs 30 contains the wise sayings of King Agur.

There are five main sections or themes in Proverbs 30.

In verses 1-4, Agur confesses his weakness to God. He admits that he is weak and uneducated without full knowledge of Creator God.

In verses 5-6, Agur describes how every word of God is true and a refuge for those who trust in him. He warns others not to add to God’s word.

In verses 7-9, Agur prays to God to help him never lie or deceive others and to provide for his material needs.

In verses 10-14, Agur exposes five groups of people who live in open rebellion to God. Wicked people slander (lie) about a servant to his master. Children who curse (are disrespectful to) their parents. Those who self-righteously believe they are clean but live immorally. People who take advantage of and oppress the poor and the needy.

In verses 15-33, Agur developed a series of lists of lessons he had learned.

  • Greedy people are like leeches; they never have enough.
  • Children who mock and disobey their parents will be punished.
  • His amazement at nature; eagles, serpents, a ship on the seas, and a man with a virgin.
  • Avoid the adulteress who admits no wrong.
  • Four situations that cause the earth to tremble; a slave who becomes king, a fool filled with food, an unloved woman who gets a husband, and a servant who displaces her mistress.
  • Four small things on earth that are examples of being successful; the ants, the rock badgers, the locusts, and the lizard.  Four things that are stately; the fearless lion, the strutting rooster or male goat, and a king with his army.

Proverbs 31

Proverbs 31 contains the wise sayings King Lemuel learned from his mother.

There are four main sections or themes in Proverbs 30.

In verse 1, Lemuel says this is an oracle of things his mother taught him.

In verse 2, His mother made a vow of committing Lemuel to the Lord.

In verses 3-9, Lemuel’s mother warns Lemuel to beware of immorality with women, to beware the effects of alcohol on him and the people, and to stand up to defend the rights of the poor and needy.

In verses 10-12, Lemuel’s mother describes an excellent wife; she is precious, she is trustworthy, she does good for her husband, she works willingly, she buys food for her family, she gets up early to make breakfast for the family and staff, she manages the household business affairs, she is energetic and strong, she makes wise purchases and works late at night, she makes clothes, she helps the poor and the needy, she plans for the future and is prepared,  she takes care of her appearance, her husband is an honored leader, she supplements the family income with what she makes, she has strength and dignity, she is wise and speaks with kindness, she manages her household well and is not idle, her children and her husband are blessed by her and praise her,  she is not focused on outward beauty, but fears the Lord, and because of all she has done she deserves to be praised.

All the notes for the book of Proverbs have been compiled into a single pdf document. You can download it by clicking here.

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

Tomorrow: 1 Kings 12-14


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