June 8


Chronological Bible Study – June 8

By Ron

June 8, 2024

Bible Study Daily, Chronological, Epoch 4, Proverbs

What I Noticed Today (Proverbs 16-18)

Proverbs 16

Note: Proverbs 10-15 illustrate the difference between the wise and the foolish lifestyle. Proverbs 16 shifts the emphasis to the duties of the wise and the righteous person.

There are 7 major sections or themes in Proverbs 16.

In verses 1-9, Solomon distinguishes between the plans of man and the purpose of God. Man thinks he is pure but God sees the heart. We must depend completely upon the Lord if we want our plans to succeed. We must trust in God’s purpose. God will punish the arrogant, wicked person. We must turn away from evil and fear the Lord because if we seek to please the Lord, He will give us peace even from our enemies. It is better to be poor and righteous than rich and dishonest. We may make plans, but it is God who directs our steps.

In verses 10-15, Solomon explains that God has ordained leaders to be His representatives. These leaders speak at God’s direction. God sets the standards for honesty, not men. Leaders value honest speech. Rulers (in that day) were sovereign so be careful not to stir up anger in the ruler.

In verses 16-17, Solomon says to get wisdom because it is more valuable than gold or silver. The upright leader turns away from evil and guards himself from evil.

In verses 18-19, Solomon warns leaders about the dangers of pride leading to destruction. It is better to live humbly than with the proud.

In verses 20-26, Solomon explains that it is important to trust the Lord and seek wisdom. The man who pays attention to and trusts God’s word will be blessed. A wise man’s speech is judicious and persuasive. Gracious speech is soothing and encouraging. Many roads seem right to a man, but they end in death (a repeat of Proverbs 14:12).

In verses 27-30, Solomon warns about evil, dishonest, violent men who scheme and pursue evil.

In verses 31-33, Solomon describes three kinds of people to respect: the older men who have been blessed by a righteous life, a man who controls his temper, and the man who trusts in the Lord’s decisions.

Proverbs 17

Proverbs 17 continues Solomon’s discussion of the duties of the wise and righteous person, but here he includes the family as well as the larger community. There are five major sections or themes in Proverbs 17.

In verses 1-6, Solomon’s focus is on good behavior. Peace in the home with little is better than anger in the home that is prosperous. The wise and faithful servant should be rewarded but not a shameful child. Avoid the evildoers who speak with wicked lips. Do not mock the poor; God is the Creator of all! Children and grandchildren of honor are blessings to their grandparents.

In verses 7-9, Solomon warns about the eloquent fool and the lying leader. Bribes may make you seem successful, but God detests bribes. To build a relationship one must be willing to forgive and not talk about it with others.

In verses 10-16, Solomon describes the foolish, evil man. Wise people learn from discipline but not the foolish man. Evil people seek out rebellion. Be wary of confronting a fool. Do not return evil for good. Starting an argument is like opening the floodgates – it is better to drop the matter before a quarrel ensues. God hates the man who justifies the wicked and the man who condemns the righteous. A fool has no interest in gaining wisdom.

In verses 17-26, Solomon describes a true friend as one who is loyal and stands by you in times of adversity. Those who love transgression love strife. Men with crooked hearts and deceitful tongues will suffer a calamity. A foolish child brings sorrow to the family. A joyful heart improves health. A wicked man accepts a bribe to pervert justice. A foolish son brings grief and sorrow to their parents. Always be just, do not punish a righteous man.

In verses 27-28, Solomon discusses the importance of controlling our speech and temper. A knowledgeable person controls their words, and a cool-headed person has understanding.

Proverbs 18

In Proverbs 18, Solomon continues his discussion of the duties of the wise and righteous person. There are seven major sections or themes in Proverbs 18.

In verses 1-8, Solomon warns against bad behavior and speech. Do not live in isolation; it affects your judgment. A fool is more interested in expressing their opinion than in gaining understanding. A wicked person causes contempt, shame, and disgrace. Words of wisdom are a blessing. Don’t be partial to the wicked or deprive the innocent of justice. A fool uses language to start fights and will bring about his ruin.

In verses 9-15, Solomon says wise men trust in the Lord but not fools. Being lazy is destructive. The righteous man finds security in the Lord, not in wealth, or their own abilities. A foolish man jumps to a conclusion before hearing all the facts. Nurture your spirit and keep it strong. An intelligent, wise man seeks knowledge.

In verses 16-19, Solomon speaks of justice. Always hear both sides of a story when settling a dispute. Always seek peace. Avoid offending a friend because it creates barriers to settling a dispute.

In verses 20-21, Solomon says fruitful words are satisfying. Words have great power.

In verse 22 Solomon says a good wife is a blessing from the Lord.

In verse 23, Solomon advises not to speak harshly to the poor.

In verse 24, Many friends may bring a man to ruin. It is better to have a few close friends who are like brothers.

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

Tomorrow: Proverbs 19-21

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