What I Noticed Today (Numbers 26-27)
Numbers 26
Note: The plague from Numbers 25 killed the last of the Exodus generation (except for Moses, Caleb, and Joshua).
Numbers 26 deals with the second census God ordered of the men 20 years old and over capable of going to war.
In verses 1-4, the Lord instructed Moses and Eleazar, Aaron’s son, to take a census of the men of Israel over 20 years old who can serve in the army.
In verses 5-51, the census by tribe is recorded, with a total of 601,730 men over 20 years old able to serve in the army.
Note: It’s interesting that the population grew dramatically while in Egypt, but during the 40 years of wilderness wanderings the population of fighting men remained almost unchanged: 603,550 left Egypt, now there are 601,730 to go forward into the Promised Land.
In verses 52-65, the Lord issued instructions for the division of the Promised Land: larger tribes were to receive larger inheritances, smaller tribes are to receive smaller inheritances, with the land divided by lot.
Note: It is interesting that in the listings of the tribes Dathan and Abiram from the tribe of Korah, and Aaron’s sons Nadab and Abihu were singled out because they rebelled. The only other people singled out were the two men who spied out the land and had the faith to trust that God would give them the Promised Land: Joshua (which means Jehovah is Salvation) and Caleb (which means whole-hearted).
Numbers 27
Numbers 27 establishes the inheritance for the five daughters of Zelophehad and records the commissioning of Joshua to succeed Moses.
In verses 1-11, the Lord provides an inheritance for the daughters of Zelophehad:
- Zelophehad, a descendant of Manasseh, the son of Joseph, died in the desert with no sons.
- The daughters (Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirzah) came before Moses, Eleazar, the priests, and the community asking for their father’s inheritance since he had died in the desert and had no sons.
- The Lord transferred the inheritance of their father to the daughters.
- This established the law for a daughter to receive an inheritance in the case of a family having no sons.
- If the man dies with a son or daughter, his inheritance should be given to the man’s brother. If he has no brothers, his inheritance should be given to his father’s brothers. If his father has no brothers, the inheritance should go to the nearest relative.
In verses 12-22, the mantle of leadership was transferred to Joshua as Moses’ successor:
- The Lord allowed Moses to see the Promised Land from Mt. Abarim and reminded him that he could not go in because of his rebellion in striking the rock at the Wilderness of Zin (Numbers 20:12).
- The first thing Moses does is express concern for the people by asking God to appoint a new leader.
Note: Verse 17 has an interesting feature; the use of two antonyms. “go out before them and come in before them,” and “lead them out and lead them in.” Antonyms in Hebrew were a way of expressing totality. Moses is asking God to appoint a man who can lead the people and care for them in every situation.
- The Lord’s answer is Joshua, who is full of the Spirit, will be the next leader of the nation.
- Moses is to bring Joshua before the priests and the congregation and commission him by the laying on of hands. In doing this, Moses transfers authority to lead the people to Joshua.
- Moses did as the Lord instructed. He had Joshua stand before Eleazar, the priest, and the entire Israelite community laid hands on him and commissioned him as the leader of the Israelites.
Some thoughts for additional consideration:
- I am struck by this final section of Numbers 27. Moses is reminded of his rebellious sin by God and the punishment of not being able to enter the Promised Land. Moses’s first thought is not for himself to beg and plead but to ask God to appoint a leader who will be able to take the people into the land.
- This, to me, is the sign of a leader who truly cares about the people God has entrusted to him. He has recognized and accepted his own shortcomings, yet his first concern is for the people and their future. This is the kind of leader we should endeavor to be!
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