What I Noticed Today (Numbers 35-36)
Numbers 35
Numbers 35 deals with God’s provision for the Levites.
In verses 1-5, the Lord spoke to Moses commanded the Israelites to give cities within their inheritance to the Levites
- The Levites were to live among the people so they could be available to minister to them. Therefore, a total of 42 cities were to be devoted to the Levites. Also, the Levites were to be given a plot of pastureland surrounding the cities for the livestock.
- God also gave the Levites six cities of refuge, for a total of 48 cities to be given to the Levites.
In verses 9-34, the Lord spoke to Moses giving him instructions for the cities of refuge:
- There were to be six cities of refuge: three in Canaan and three east of the Jordan.
- These cities were where someone who had killed someone could flee until a trial to determine their guilt could be held.
- Those who murdered with intent were to be killed by “the avenger of blood.” The avenger of blood is the nearest relative or kinsman.
- Those who killed someone accidentally (manslaughter) were to remain in the city of refuge, and as long as they remained there, they were safe from the avenger of blood.
- The murderer was to be put to death after a trial. When the trial did occur, God did not allow someone to be convicted on the testimony of a single witness. Furthermore, there was no fine one could pay “as a ransom” for the life that was taken. God insisted that the guilty be punished and that the punishment is carried out by the avenger of blood so that the land would not be polluted or defiled.
Numbers 36
Numbers 36 deals with the inheritance of the daughters of Zelophehad.
In verses 1-12, Moses gave instructions at the Lord’s command regarding the inheritance of the daughters of Zelophehad:
- These were the daughters who had been given an inheritance because there were no male heirs (Numbers 27).
- The tribe’s concern was if they were to marry outside the tribe their inheritance would transfer to another tribe.
- The Lord’s intention was that the land inherited by a tribe remain in that tribe, so the daughters were instructed simply to marry within their own tribe.
- The daughters of Zelophehad did as the Lord instructed and married their cousins, descendants of Manasseh, son of Joseph.
In verse 13, the book of Numbers closes with the confirmation that these are the commandments and rules that God gave Moses in the plains of Moab by the Jordan river.
Some additional thoughts for consideration:
- God cares deeply for those who serve in ministry. He is also concerned about the purity of the population. Justice must be administered, or the people and the land will suffer. We also see God’s concern for the integrity of the inheritance, and the fairness in the treatment of women.
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