September 21


Chronological Bible Study – Sep 21

By Ron

September 21, 2024

Bible Study Daily, Chronological, Epoch 7, Zechariah

What I Noticed Today (Zechariah 5-9)

Zechariah 5

Vision 6. In verses 1-4, Zechariah lifts his eyes and sees a flying scroll, and the angel asked him what he saw. The scroll was 20 cubits long and 10 cubits wide (30’ x 15’) The scroll had writing on both sides. On one side was a curse for all those who steal and on the other side a curse against all those who swear falsely. It will consume them and their homes.

Note: Stealing and swearing falsely (taking the Lord’s name) are violations of the third and eighth commandments.

Vision 7. In verses 5-11, the angel shows Zechariah a basket and in the basket is all the iniquities of all the land. The lead cover was lifted and inside sat a woman named Wickedness. He replaced the leaden cover over the woman in the basket.

Zechariah lifted his eyes again and saw two women coming with wings like a stork. They lifted the basket and took up between heaven and earth and to the land of Shinar where they will put the basket down in a house they have built for it.

Note: Shinar is an old name for Babylon (Genesis 11:2, Revelation 17:3-5).

Zechariah 6

Vision 8. In verses 1-8, Zechariah lifted his eyes and saw two bronze mountains with four chariots coming out between them. The first chariot pulled by red horses, the second by black horses, the third by white horses, and the fourth by dappled horses. They will patrol throughout the earth after presenting themselves to the Lord during the Millennial reign of Christ.

Note: Taking the description from Revelation 6:1-8 the red horse may symbolize war and bloodshed, the white horse victory, the black horse death, and the dappled horse plagues and pestilence.

In verses 9-15, the word of the Lord came to Zechariah to take Heldai, Tobijah, and Jedaiah exiles from Babylon and go to the house of Josiah. Make a crown of silver and gold. Place the crown on his head. God said Josiah would represent the Branch who will rebuild the Millennial temple. The crown will be in the temple of the Lord as a reminder to them. Those who are far off will come and help build the temple.

Zechariah 7

Zechariah 7 comes about two years after the night visions of Zechariah 1-6. Four messages came to Zechariah from the Lord.

In verses 1-3, the word of the Lord came to Zechariah on the fourth day, of the ninth month, of the fourth year of Darius (December 7, 518 B.C.). A delegation came to inquire of the Lord. The messages were the Lord’s response.

Message 1. In verses 4-7, the Lord rebukes the people for feasting and fasting for their own pleasure, not in faithful worship to the Lord.

Message 2. In verses 8-14, the Lord directs them to render true justice, show kindness and mercy to each other, to not oppress the poor, the widower, or the sojourner, and do not plan evil against one another. But they were stubborn and refused to listen to the Lord. Their hearts were hard (like diamonds) like their forefathers who rejected the Lord’s prophets. Because the Lord called and they did not hear, he then scattered them among the nations leaving their land desolate.

Zechariah 8

Message 3. In verses 1-17, the Lord delivers a message of great blessing in seven sections, each beginning with the phrase “This is what the LORD Almighty says” or “This is what the Almighty LORD says.” (or some translations “Thus says the LORD…”).

Section 1. Verse 2. God’s zeal and jealousy for His people are matched by His wrath against those that come against them.

Section 2. Verse 3. God has returned to dwell in Jerusalem, and it will be called the faithful city.

Section 3. Verses 4-5. Old men and women will sit in the streets, and children will be playing (long life, security).

Section 4. Verse 6. These blessings will be marvelous in the people’s eyes and in my (God’s) sight.

Section 5. Verses 7-8. God will gather the people from where they have been scattered, and He will be their God, and they will be His people.

Section 6. Verses 9-13. God encouraged the people to rebuild the temple. If they do, they will have peace, prosperity, and security, but only if they obey.

Section 7. Verses 14-17. Just like God brought judgment upon their forefathers, now God promised to bring blessing upon the remnant if they speak the truth to one another, render true justice, devise no evil against each other, and take no false oaths because God hates all of these.

Message 4. In verses 18-23, the Lord delivers the fourth message in three sections.

Section 1. Verse 19. The Lord commands the fasts and feasts in the fourth, fifth, seventh, and tenth months be followed. They would be joyful times.

Section 2. Verses 20-22. People will come from all over the earth to seek the Lord in Jerusalem.

Section 3. Verse 23. Men from every nation will hold the hem of a Jew’s robe asking to join him.

Note: Holding the hem of a garment was an act of submission in the eastern culture. For Gentiles to submit to Jews was a reversal of all the years in which God’s people had been forced into submission by Gentiles.

Zechariah 9-14

The final chapters of Zechariah contain two oracles. Chapters 9-11 focus on the first coming of Christ while chapters 12-14 focus on Christ’s second coming. The parallels between the eight nighttime visions and portions of the two oracles are striking:

  • First vision 1:7-17, parallels first oracle 10:6-9, and 12:6-8 and 14:1-3 in the second oracle.
  • Second vision 1:18-21, parallels 9:1-8 in the first oracle, and 12:1-6 and 14:1-3 in the second oracle.
  • Third vision 2:1-13, parallels 9:9-17 in the first oracle, and 12:7-9 and 14:4-11 in the second oracle.
  • Fourth vision 3:1-10 parallels 10:2-3 in the first oracle, and 12:10-14 and 14:8 in the second oracle.
  • Fifth vision 4:1-14, parallels 10:1-6 in the first oracle, and 13:1-6 in the second oracle.
  • Sixth vision 5:1-4, parallels 11:1-17 in the first oracle, and 13:7-9 and 14:12-15 in the second oracle.
  • Seventh vision 5:5-11, parallels 14:20-21 in the second oracle.
  • Eighth vision 6:1-8, parallels 14:16-19 in the second oracles.

Zechariah 9

In verses 1-8, the Lord’s hand is against the Gentile nations that have oppressed Israel. He is watching over His people and will guard over them so that no oppressor will march against them again.

In verses 9-13, the Lord is coming to Zion (Jerusalem). He will come in righteousness, having salvation mounted on a donkey. God will cut off their enemies and bring about a peaceful rule all over the world. God will honor the covenant with His people by restoring them to their land.

In verses 14-17, the Lord will appear to His people. He will sound the trumpet, and they will march against their enemies, but the Lord will protect them. On that day, the Lord will save them.

What did you notice in your study today? Feel free to visit the website and leave a question or a comment.

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Tomorrow: Zechariah 10-14

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