September 22


Chronological Bible Study – Sep 22

By Ron

September 22, 2024

Bible Study Daily, Chronological, Epoch 7, Zechariah

What I Noticed Today (Zechariah 10-14)

Zechariah 10

In verses 1-12, the Lord will restore Judah and Israel. Zechariah rebuked the people for consulting household idols and instead tells them to seek God. God is angry with the shepherds (leaders) because they have not cared for His flock. Therefore, God will send the “cornerstone” (the Messiah) who will lead them to victory. God will strengthen and save the house of Judah and Joseph (Israel). They will be reunited, gathered together, restored from where they had been scattered. God will make them strong, and they will walk in His name.

Zechariah 11

In verses 1-17, the Lord announces the judgment coming for rejecting His shepherd (because they reject the shepherd they delay receiving the blessings mentioned in Zechariah 10).

In verses 1-3, a lament for the destruction of Israel (from north to south Lebanon, Bashan, and Jordan).

In verses 4-14, God tells Zechariah to shepherd the flock destined for slaughter. Their own leaders oppressed the people so that God will deliver them up to the neighboring nations. Zechariah took two staffs; one named Favor, the other named Union.

Note: The identity of the three shepherds that were destroyed by the true shepherd is debated by scholars. Because shepherds usually refer to leaders, I believe the reference here is to three kinds of leaders in Israel: kings, priests, and prophets. They all rejected God’s message, and ultimately the True Shepherd, and sold him to destruction for 30 pieces of silver (Judas’ betrayal of Jesus).

The breaking of the staff signifies breaking the covenant. The staff named Favor signified God’s blessings. Breaking the staff Favor meant God’s blessings were withdrawn. Breaking the staff named Union signified the breaking of the union between Judah and Israel.

After the people reject the True Shepherd, the people of Israel will accept a foolish, worthless shepherd who will care nothing for the flock

Zechariah 12

In verses 1-9, the Lord describes what will happen “on that day” (vv. 3, 4, 6, 8, & 9), the Battle of Armageddon. Armies will come against Jerusalem, but the Lord will bring victory to His people (the clans of Judah will devour to the right and left. See verse 6.).

Then the Lord will bring salvation to the house of Judah first protecting even the weakest people. God will seek to destroy all nations who come against Jerusalem.

In verses 10-14, the Lord describes on that day, the pouring out a spirit of grace so that when they look on whom they have pierced (Messiah Jesus), they will weep and mourn. Every member of every family will mourn by themselves throughout the land.

Zechariah 13

In verses 1-6, the Lord on that day (the day of the Lord), will open a fountain of cleansing for the inhabitants of Jerusalem to cleanse themselves of their sin. Idols will be cut off and forgotten throughout the land. False prophets who speak lies in the name of the Lord will be killed (Deuteronomy 18:20). This will cause the false prophets to be ashamed and no longer admit to being a prophet.

In verses 7-9, the Lord refers to the shepherd that is close to Me (Jesus). This shepherd was struck (crucified) and the sheep scattered. Describing the Tribulation, the Lord says two-thirds will perish, and one-third will remain. Of the one-third who remain, they will be refined in the fire. Those that remain and are refined will say that the Lord is their God, and the Lord will say these are My people.

Zechariah 14

In verses 1-3, in the Day of the Lord (Tribulation period), the city of Jerusalem will be plundered. Half the city will go into exile the other half will remain. Then the Lord will fight against those nations.

In verses 4-5, on that day, Zechariah explains the Lord will stand on the Mount of Olives which will be split in two with half of the Mount moving north and half of the Mount moving south, leaving a valley between them. You shall flee to the valley; the Lord will come, and all the holy ones (probably the angels) are with Him.

In verses 6-7, this will be a unique day with no light, cold, or frost until the evening when there will be light.

In verse 8, on that day, a spring of water will flow out of Jerusalem half to the east and half to the west. It will flow in summer as well as winter.

In verse 9, the Lord will be king over all the earth.

In verses 10-11, the land around Jerusalem will be leveled except for the area where Jerusalem sits, which will remain aloft. There will never again be a decree of destruction against Jerusalem. The people will live in security.

In verses 12-15, the nations that came against Jerusalem (Zechariah 14:2) will be destroyed by a plague and panic from the Lord. The people of Jerusalem will plunder the Gentile army.

In verses 16-19, then everyone who survives among all the nations will go to Jerusalem every year to celebrate the Feast of Booths. Anyone who does not go will not get rain, and they will be afflicted with plagues.

In verses 20-21, on that day (Millennium), every aspect of life will focus on the holiness of the Lord. The horse’s bells will be inscribed “Holy to the Lord,” and all the pots and bowls in the house of the Lord will be holy so that people can bring sacrifices. And there will be no Canaanites in the house of the Lord.

Note: The Canaanites were viewed as morally reprehensible. The Israelites had become like them but having been purified the Israelites were now God’s people.  Also, some translations say “trader” instead of “Canaanite.” The Hebrew is Canaanite.

What did you notice in your study today? Feel free to visit the website and leave a question or a comment.

All the notes for the book of Zechariah have been compiled into a single pdf document. You can download it by clicking here.

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Tomorrow: Esther 1-5

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