April 5


New Testament in a Year – John 1

By Ron

April 5, 2024

John, New Testament

There is a short introduction available for the book of John. You can read it here.

The Word Became Flesh - John 1:1-18

Understand It

  • Who is the Word? (1:1)
  • What is the relationship between the Word and God? (1:1-2)
  • What was the Word’s role in creation? (1:3)
  • How is the "life" the light of men? (1:4)
  • What was John’s role in relation to the light? (1:6)
  • How did the light give light to every person? (1:9)
  • Why didn’t the world recognize the light? (1:10)
  • What is the benefit of receiving or believing in the Word? (1:12)
  • How and why did the Word make His dwelling among us? (1:14)
  • Whose glory did the Word reveal? (1:14)
  • What did God give us through Moses? (1:17)
  • What did God give us through Jesus? (1:18)
  • Why is it significant that no one has seen God but "God the One and Only"? (1:18)

Apply It

  • What do you need to do to be certain of your relationship with God?
  • What will you do this week to better enjoy your status as a child of God?
  • How should the reality that God became a man affect your life today?

John the Baptist Denies Being the Christ - John 1:19-28

Understand It

  • What did the Jews want to know? (1:19)
  • Who did the Jews think John was? (1:20-21)
  • What did John say about who he was? (1:20-22)
  • In what way was John a "voice of one calling in the desert"? (1:23)
  • What does the phrase "make straight the way for the Lord" mean? (1:23)
  • How did John "make straight the way for the Lord"? (1:23)
  • Why did the Pharisees care that John was baptizing people? (1:24)
  • What did John say he was not worthy to do? (1:27)
  • Who did John say was coming after him? (12:27)
  • Where did these events take place? (1:28)

Apply It

  • In what way can you be a voice for Jesus?
  • What are some areas in which you struggle to be humble at this time in your life?
  • In what specific ways can you point others to Christ this week?

Jesus the Lamb of God - John 1:29-34

Understand It

  • Why did John call Jesus the Lamb of God? (1:29)
  • What are the sins of the world? (1:29)
  • What does Jesus do with the sins of the world? (1:29)
  • What did John mean that Jesus surpassed him because He was before him? (1:30)
  • How was Jesus before John? (1:30)
  • Why did John say he didn’t know who Jesus was? (1:31)
  • What reason did John give for baptizing Jesus? (1:31)
  • Why did John come to baptize people? (1:31)
  • What creature represented the Spirit of God? (1:32)
  • Why did the Spirit come down upon Jesus? (1:33)
  • With what did John baptize? (1:31, 33)
  • With what will Jesus baptize? (1:33)
  • What title did John ascribe to the person he baptized? (1:34)

Apply It

  • How can you honor Jesus’ Sonship with your life this week?
  • What steps can you take to appreciate better who Jesus is?
  • In what way can you reveal Christ to others this week?

Jesus' First Disciples - John 1:35-42

Understand It

  • Who besides Jesus had disciples? (1:35)
  • What did John say when he saw Jesus? (1:36)
  • How did John identify Jesus for his disciples? (1:37)
  • What did John’s disciples do when John identified Jesus? (1:37)
  • What did Jesus ask John’s disciples? (1:38)
  • What did John’s disciples call Jesus? (1:38)
  • What did John’s disciples ask Jesus? (1:38)
  • What was the first thing Andrew did after he had followed Jesus? (1:40)
  • Who was Andrew’s brother? (1:40)
  • What did Andrew tell his brother about Jesus? (1:41)
  • What nickname did Jesus give to Simon? (1:42)
  • What words did the author interpret for us? (1:37, 41, 42)

Apply It

  • Whom do you want to introduce to Jesus this week?
  • How could you introduce Christ to a friend or relative?
  • What change in your daily routine would enable you to follow Jesus better?

Jesus Calls Philip and Nathanael - John 1:43-51

Understand It

  • How did Jesus and Philip meet? (1:43)
  • What did Jesus say to Philip? (1:43)
  • How did Philip respond to Jesus’ invitation? (1:44-46)
  • What did Philip do after he followed Jesus? (1:45)
  • What did Philip tell Nathanael about Jesus? (1:45)
  • Why was Nathanael skeptical that Philip had found the Messiah? (1:46)
  • How did Nathanael respond to the fact that Jesus was from Nazareth? (1:46)
  • What did Jesus say when he saw Nathanael? (1:47)
  • What convinced Nathanael that Jesus was the Son of God? (1:47-50)
  • What was Nathanael’s response to Jesus’ greeting? (1:48)
  • Why was Nathanael surprised? (1:48)
  • Why did Nathanael call Jesus the Son of God and the King of Israel? (1:48-49)
  • What were the greater things to which Jesus referred? (1:50)
  • What did Jesus tell Nathanael he would see? (1:51)
  • Who is the Son of Man? (1:51)

Apply It

  • How will you show your trust in the God who knows all about you this week?
  • How would you share your faith with a skeptical person this week?
  • In what way will you recognize Jesus as the ruler of your life today?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

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