Lord of the Sabbath - Mark 2:23-3:6
Understand It
- What did the disciples do that outraged the Pharisees? (2:24)
- What was Jesus’ response to the Pharisees’ charges? (2:25-27)
- According to Jesus, why were the disciples of both David and Jesus justified in breaking the Sabbath? (2:25-27)
Apply It
- In what settings are you able to "do good and save life"? How?
Crowds Follow Jesus - Mark 3:7-12
Understand It
- Why did Jesus want to leave? (3:7)
- Why were the crowds so interested in following Jesus? (3:7-12)
- What do the details of this story tell us about Jesus’ priorities? (3:7-12)
Apply It
- What need can you bring to Jesus? How could you do so?
The Appointing of the Twelve Apostles - Mark 3:13-19
Understand It
- What is the setting of this story? (3:13)
- What did Jesus expect of the men He designated apostles? (3:14-15)
- What was unusual about some of the men Jesus chose? (3:16-19)
Apply It
- What would be your first step toward learning from a more mature believer in your church?
The Appointing of the Twelve Apostles - Mark 3:13-19
Understand It
- What is the setting of this story? (3:13)
- What did Jesus expect of the men He designated apostles? (3:14-15)
- What was unusual about some of the men Jesus chose? (3:16-19)
Apply It
- What would be your first step toward learning from a more mature believer in your church?
Jesus' Mother and Brothers - Mark 3:31-35
Understand It
- Who wanted to see Jesus? Why? (3:31-32)
- What rhetorical question did Jesus ask? Why? (3:33)
- How did Jesus respond to the request by His mother and brothers? (3:33-34)
Apply It
- What could you do or say to help your family understand your faith in Christ?
The Parable of the Sower - Mark 4:1-20
Understand It
- What are the four scenes described in this parable? (4:3-10)
- To what was Jesus referring when He said, "The farmer sows the word"? (4:14)
- What are some obstacles that prevent people from accepting the gospel or hanging on to their faith? (4:15-19)
Apply It
- In what area of your life do you need to start listening to God?
A Lamp on a Stand - Mark 4:21-25
Understand It
- Why did Jesus warn us to "consider carefully" what we hear? (4:24)
- What will happen to those who use or put into practice what God has measured out to them? (4:24-25)
- What will happen to those who neglect or misuse the truth God has already revealed to them? (4:24-25)
Apply It
- What is one specific word of Jesus (a promise, truth, or command) that you can consciously remind yourself of throughout this next week?
The Parable of the Growing Seed - Mark 4:26-29
Understand It
- What do the man and the seed in the parable represent? (4:26-29)
- How did the man get the seed to grow? (4:28)
- To what does the phrase "the harvest is come" refer? (4:29)
Apply It
- What specific steps can you take to rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to change others when you tell them about Christ?
The Parable of the Mustard Seed - Mark 4:30-34
Understand It
- How is the kingdom of God like a mustard seed? (4:32)
- What promise is given in this parable? (4:31-32)
- Why did Jesus use the smallest seed known to the Galilean farmers in His audience as the example in this parable? (4:31-32)
Apply It
- How can you get involved this week in spreading the Good News and participating in the growth of the kingdom of God?
Jesus Calms the Storm - Mark 4:35-41
Understand It
- Where did Jesus and His disciples go? How? (4:35-36)
- Why were the disciples surprised with Jesus? (4:37-38)
- Why did Jesus rebuke His disciples? (4:40)
Apply It
- How can you trust God this upcoming week with situations that get out of control or seem hopeless?
The Healing of a Demon-possessed Man - Mark 5:1-20
Understand It
- Why was the man Jesus met chained up? (5:4-5)
- What did Jesus do to help the demon-possessed man? (5:8-20)
- What request did Jesus deny? Why? (5:18-19)
Apply It
- What can you do this week to bring the message of Christ to a friend or coworker?
A Dead Girl and a Sick Woman - Mark 5:21-43
Understand It
- Who was Jairus, and why did he want to see Jesus? (5:22-23)
- Whom did Jesus tell not to be afraid and to "just believe"? Why? (5:35-36)
- Who witnessed the girl being raised from the dead by Jesus? (5:40-42)
Apply It
- With what concrete action can you show your faith in the Lord this week?