January 14


Day 14: Mark 12-14

By Ron

January 14, 2025

90-Days, Mark, New Testament

The Parable of the Tenants - Mark 12:1-12

Understand It

  • Whom do the farmer, servants, and son in the parable represent? (12:1-6)
  • Why did the owner of the vineyard send so many servants to the tenants looking after the vineyard? (12:2-5)
  • How did the tenants treat the owner’s son? Why? (12:7-8)

Apply It

  • What can you do every day this week out of respect for God’s Word?

Paying Taxes to Caesar - Mark 12:13-17

Understand It

  • How did the religious leaders try to trick Jesus? (12:13-15)
  • What did Jesus ask the religious leaders to bring Him? Why? (12:15-17)
  • What did Jesus mean when He said, "Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s"? (12:17)

Apply It

  • What is a prayer you can use to give to God what belongs to Him?

Marriage at the Resurrection - Mark 12:18-27

Understand It

  • Who were the Sadducees, and what did they want from Jesus? (12:18)
  • In what way were the Sadducees "in error"? (12:24-27)
  • What was wrong with the Sadducees’ viewpoint? (12:24-27)

Apply It

  • What concrete action would you be willing to take this week to get to know the Scriptures better?

The Greatest Commandment - Mark 12:28-34

Understand It

  • What significant question did the teacher of the law pose to Jesus? (12:28)
  • How did Jesus respond to the man’s question? (12:29-31)
  • How did the man speaking with Jesus show that He understood God’s heart? (12:32-34)

Apply It

  • Who is one neighbor to whom you can show your love in a practical way this week? How?

Whose Son Is the Christ? - Mark 12:35-40

Understand It

  • Why did Jesus condemn the teachers of the law? (12:38-39)
  • What did the teachers of the law betray about themselves through their actions? (12:38-39)
  • What did Jesus say would happen to the teachers of the law? (12:40)

Apply It

  • What step can you take this week to pray, go to church, and do other spiritual devotions only out of a desire to please God?

The Widow's Offering - Mark 12:41-44

Understand It

  • What did the "poor widow" give to the treasury? (12:42)
  • Why did Jesus call His disciples when He saw the widow put in her offering? (12:43)
  • How did Jesus compare the actions of the wealthy people to the actions of the poor woman? (12:43-44)

Apply It

  • How can you ensure that your attitude and motivation is right when you give to the Lord this week?

Signs of the End of the Age - Mark 13:1-31

Understand It

  • What did Jesus’ disciples ask Him privately on the Mount of Olives? (13:3-4)
  • How did Jesus respond to His disciples’ question? (13:5-8)
  • What will be the greatest temptation during the "days of distress"? (13:21-23)

Apply It

  • What can you read or do this week to strengthen your hold on the truth about Christ?

The Day and Hour Unknown - Mark 13:32-37

Understand It

  • What will Jesus’ return be like? How? (13:34)
  • What should the "servants" do to occupy their time while they wait for the owner’s return? (13:34)
  • What did Jesus want us to do? (13:37)

Apply It

  • How can you "keep watch" in your day-to-day activities at work?

Jesus Anointed at Bethany - Mark 14:1-11

Understand It

  • What amazing thing did a woman do while Jesus was visiting Bethany? Where? (14:3)
  • What reaction did the woman’s actions get? Why? (14:4-5)
  • Whom did Jesus rebuke? Why? (14:6)

Apply It

  • What is one way you can show your devotion to Christ above all other things, people, or ambitions in your life? When?

The Lord's Supper - Mark 14:12-26

Understand It

  • The central emphasis of the Passover meal was traditionally the sacrificial lamb; where did Jesus place His emphasis? (14:22-24)
  • What important announcement did Jesus make? (14:25)
  • How did Jesus and the disciples conclude their Passover meal? (14:26)

Apply It

  • What are two or three steps you can take to prepare for the next time you celebrate the Lord’s Supper?

Jesus Predicts Peter's Denial - Mark 14:27-31

Understand It

  • What did Jesus reveal to His disciples? (14:27)
  • How did Peter respond to Christ’s words? (14:29)
  • What did Jesus say about Peter’s loyalty? (14:30)

Apply It

  • What can you do over the next week to renew and strengthen your faith in Christ?

Gethsemane - Mark 14:32-42

Understand It

  • What emotions was Jesus feeling? (14:33-34)
  • What distressed Jesus when He returned to His disciples? (14:37)
  • Why did the disciples have so much trouble praying with Jesus? (14:38)

Apply It

  • How can you support a friend or relative facing a difficult task this week?

Jesus Arrested - Mark 14:43-52

Understand It

  • How did Jesus respond to the sight of the armed men? (14:48-49)
  • Who fled the scene? When? (14:50-52)
  • What is significant about the fact that all of Jesus’ followers deserted Him? (14:50-52)

Apply It

  • What can you do now to prepare for times when your dedication to Christ is tested at work, at home, or around neighbors?

Before the Sanhedrin - Mark 14:53-65

Understand It

  • What did the men of the Sanhedrin want to do to Jesus? Why? (14:55)
  • What testimony did some witnesses bring against Jesus? (14:57-58)
  • What was Jesus’ response to all the accusations against Him? (14:61)

Apply It

  • How do you want to react the next time you are falsely accused or tricked?

Peter Disowns Jesus - Mark 14:66-72

Understand It

  • How did Peter’s denial of Christ happen? (14:66-72)
  • Who in the courtyard was curious and insistent about finding out who Jesus’ followers were? (14:66-70)
  • How did Peter react when he realized what he had done? (14:72)

Apply It

  • In what situation or context will you consciously identify with Christ publicly this week? How?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

Tomorrow: Mark 15-16, Luke 1

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