January 2


Day 2: Matthew 4-6

By Ron

January 2, 2025

90-Days, Matthew, New Testament

The Temptation of Jesus -- Matthew 4:1-11

Understand It

  • How did Jesus respond to the first temptation? (4:4)
  • How did Jesus answer the second temptation? (4:7)
  • How did Jesus react to the third temptation? (4:10)

Apply It

  • What steps can you take this week to resist the temptations you are facing now?

Jesus Begins to Preach -- Matthew 4:12-17

Understand It

  • What happened where Jesus relocated? (4:13-16)
  • Why was Christ’s move significant? (4:14)
  • What did Jesus do in His new hometown? (4:17)

Apply It

  • To what places and people do you need to go this week as a light for Christ?

The Calling of the First Disciples -- Matthew 4:18-22

Understand It

  • What were Simon and Andrew doing when Jesus approached them? (4:18)
  • What exactly did Jesus say to Simon and Andrew? (4:19)
  • What did Jesus do when He saw the two brothers, James and John? (4:21)

Apply It

  • In what area of your life will you follow Jesus more consciously this week?

Jesus Heals the Sick -- Matthew 4:23-25

Understand It

  • What did Jesus do at the synagogues of this region? (4:23)
  • How did the masses react to the news of what Jesus was doing? (4:24)
  • What did Jesus do for the suffering individuals who came to Him? (4:24)

Apply It

  • What can you do today to encourage someone who is ill?

The Beatitudes -- Matthew 5:1-12

Understand It

  • What does the future hold for those who are persecuted because of righteousness? (5:10)
  • What unexpected command is given to Christians who are insulted, hassled, and lied about? (5:11-12)
  • What people in history have endured nasty persecution? (5:12)

Apply It

  • What can you do this week to encourage a friend who is under fire due to his or her stand for the Lord?

Salt & Light -- Matthew 5:13-16

Understand It

  • How are we like light? (5:14)
  • According to Jesus, how exactly are Christians to be like lamps? (5:16)
  • If believers live as they are supposed to live, how will others respond toward God? (5:16)

Apply It

  • What phone calls or letters would you be willing to make or write this week in order to be salt and light in a decaying, dark world?

The Fulfillment of the Law -- Matthew 5:17-20

Understand It

  • What did Jesus say was His goal with regard to the Law and the Prophets? (5:17)
  • What warning was given to those who would encourage others to disregard the Word of God? (5:19)
  • Who is considered great in the kingdom of heaven? (5:19)

Apply It

  • What command of God will you commit to memory this week?

Murder -- Matthew 5:21-26

Understand It

  • What sort of realization did Jesus say should interrupt our worship? (5:23)
  • What should be a believer’s goal in strained or shattered relationships? (5:24)
  • When is it best to settle disputes? (5:25)

Apply It

  • What relational conflict do you need to straighten out today?

Adultery -- Matthew 5:27-30

Understand It

  • How does adultery start? (5:28)
  • When does looking at someone become inappropriate? (5:28)
  • Why are our moral choices important? (5:30)

Apply It

  • In what situations is it important for you to dress modestly this week?

Divorce -- Matthew 5:31-32

Understand It

  • Why did Jesus need to say this about marriage and divorce? (5:31-32)
  • What is the best way to think about marriage and divorce? (5:31-32)
  • What conditions are placed on divorce? (5:32)

Apply It

  • What can you do this week to strengthen your marriage or the marriage of a friend?

Oaths -- Matthew 5:33-37

Understand It

  • How did Jesus update the ancient proverb about oaths? (5:34)
  • How should believers respond to questions? (5:37)
  • What’s wrong with swearing oaths? (5:37)

Apply It

  • What steps can you take this week to become known as a person who keeps his or her word?

An Eye for an Eye -- Matthew 5:38-42

Understand It

  • To what familiar saying was Jesus referring in this context? (5:38)
  • How did Jesus say we should respond to people who do us evil? (5:39)
  • What should we do to protect our rights and possessions? (5:39)

Apply It

  • What act of kindness or reconciliation could you perform by next weekend to help "bury the hatchet"?

Love for Enemies -- Matthew 5:43-48

Understand It

  • How did Jesus say we ought to treat our enemies? (5:44)
  • How does God treat evil and good people in the same way? (5:45)
  • Who has set an example for us? How? (5:48)

Apply It

  • For which of your "enemies" will you pray every day this week?

Giving to the Needy -- Matthew 6:1-4

Understand It

  • What specific motives did Jesus warn against? (6:1)
  • What style of giving did Jesus command us to adopt? (6:3-4)
  • What happens to those who give as Jesus told us to give? (6:4)

Apply It

  • What steps could you take to ensure that your giving is not done for show?

Prayer -- Matthew 6:5-15

Understand It

  • What name did Jesus call people who pray for show? Why? (6:5)
  • How did Jesus command His followers to pray? (6:6)
  • What type of reward will humility in prayer bring? (6:6)

Apply It

  • What changes do you need to make in your prayer life?

Fasting -- Matthew 6:16-18

Understand It

  • What facial expressions did some people wear? Why? (6:16)
  • What harsh name did Jesus give to people who made a public show of their fasting? Why? (6:16)
  • Who should know about an individual’s fasts? Why? (6:18)

Apply It

  • What steps can you take to devote your spiritual disciplines to God alone?

Treasures in Heaven -- Matthew 6:19-24

Understand It

  • Where did Jesus urge His followers not to "store up treasures"? Why? (6:19)
  • Where did Jesus encourage us to invest our wealth? Why? (6:20)
  • What did Jesus say about serving two masters? (6:24)

Apply It

  • How could you make an investment in eternity today?

Do Not Worry -- Matthew 6:25-34

Understand It

  • What creatures did Jesus use to illustrate God’s reliability as a provider? Why? (6:26)
  • Why should we take great comfort from the way the animal and plant kingdoms operate? (6:26)
  • What comfort can followers of Christ find in the beauty of nature? (6:30)

Apply It

  • What worry will you entrust to God today?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

Tomorrow: Matthew 7-9

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