February 2


Day 33: Acts 8-10

By Ron

February 2, 2025

90-Days, Acts, New Testament

The Church Persecuted and Scattered - Acts 8:2-3

Understand It

  • How did Stephen’s mourners show courage at his burial? (8:2)
  • What was happening to the church at this time? (8:2-3)
  • Who began to attack the church? How? (8:3)

Apply It

  • What will most remind you to respond with courage when you are attacked or rejected for your faith in Christ?

Philip in Samaria - Acts 8:4-8

Understand It

  • Who was Philip? (8:5)
  • What did Philip do in Samaria? (8:5)
  • What did the crowds do in response to Philip’s teaching and miracles? (8:6)

Apply It

  • What can you do this week to support or encourage a missionary?

Simon the Sorcerer - Acts 8:9-25

Understand It

  • Why did Peter and John leave Jerusalem and go to Samaria? (8:14)
  • What did Peter and John do when they arrived in Samaria? (8:15-17)
  • How did Peter and John’s trip to Samaria influence their trip to Jerusalem? (8:25)

Apply It

  • What can you do this week to get to know someone who is from a different ethnic group or culture?

Philip and the Ethiopian - Acts 8:26-40

Understand It

  • Whom did Philip meet on the desert road? (8:27)
  • What was the eunuch’s problem? (8:28-34)
  • How did Philip present the good news about Jesus? (8:35)

Apply It

  • What is one thing you can do this week to overcome fear in witnessing?

Saul's Conversion - Acts 9:1-19

Understand It

  • What did the Lord instruct Ananias to do? (9:10-12)
  • Why was Ananias reluctant to do as the Lord asked? (9:13-14)
  • How did God persuade Ananias that it was all right to go to Saul? (9:15-16)

Apply It

  • What is one thing you could do this week to help a younger Christian grow in his or her faith?

Saul in Damascus and Jerusalem - Acts 9:20-31

Understand It

  • What did the Jews plan for Saul? Why? (9:23)
  • How did Saul outwit his enemies? (9:24-25)
  • What did Saul do while he was with the apostles? (9:28-29)

Apply It

  • This week, how can you prepare for discussions about God with your coworkers or non-Christian friends?

Aeneas and Dorcas - Acts 9:32-43

Understand It

  • What happened to Dorcas? (9:37)
  • What did Peter do when he was alone with the dead woman? (9:40-41)
  • How did the miracle of raising Tabitha further the kingdom of God? (9:42)

Apply It

  • What can you do to help a widow who needs assistance?

Cornelius Calls for Peter - Acts 10:1-8

Understand It

  • How did the angel affirm the centurion’s life-style? (10:4)
  • What did the angel command Cornelius to do? (10:5-6)
  • When the angel left, what did Cornelius do? (10:7-8)

Apply It

  • This week, what can you do to imitate the centurion’s God-fearing life-style?

Peter's Vision - Acts 10:9-23

Understand It

  • What did Peter experience while food was being prepared for him? (10:10-16)
  • What happened while Peter was wondering about the vision? (10:17-20)
  • How was Peter prepared for the messengers? (10:19-20)

Apply It

  • What new relationships can you ask God to bring into your life this week?

Peter at Cornelius' House - Acts 10:24-48

Understand It

  • In what way was Peter’s understanding of God changed by his vision? (10:34-35)
  • What was Peter’s message to the group? (10:34-43)
  • Why did Peter suddenly stop talking? (10:44-46)

Apply It

  • What is the first step you could take to show respect for a racial or cultural group that is different from you?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

Tomorrow: Acts 11-13

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