February 3


Day 34: Acts 11-13

By Ron

February 3, 2025

90-Days, Acts, New Testament

Peter Explains His Actions - Acts 11:1-18

Understand It

  • Why did the circumcised believers imply that it was wrong for Peter to eat with Gentiles? (11:3)
  • How did Peter explain his actions? (11:4-17)
  • How did Peter dispel the idea that the Gentiles were second-class citizens? (11:15-17)

Apply It

  • How can you open your heart and mind to others whom you tend to dislike?

The Church in Antioch - Acts 11:19-30

Understand It

  • What was one of the results of Stephen’s martyrdom? (11:19)
  • What caused the news about Christ to take hold among many who heard it? (11:21)
  • How did Barnabas encourage the Christians at Antioch? (11:23)

Apply It

  • What can you do to enlarge the circle of people to whom you reach out?

Peter's Miraculous Escape From Prison - Acts 12:1-19

Understand It

  • What did the king plan to do with Peter after the Passover? Why? (12:3-4)
  • What happened on the night before Peter’s trial? (12:6-11)
  • When did Peter know that what he had experienced was real? (12:11)

Apply It

  • What do you want to remember the next time you suffer for your faith?

Herod's Death - Acts 12:20-25

Understand It

  • On the day of the public assembly, what did Herod do? (12:21)
  • What did the people say to honor Herod? (12:22)
  • How did God judge Herod? (12:23)

Apply It

  • What can you do today as a discipline of humility?

Barnabas and Saul Sent Off - Acts 13:1-3

Understand It

  • Who made up the leadership of the church at Antioch? (13:1)
  • What were Barnabas and Saul called to do? (13:2)
  • Why did the church leaders lay hands on Barnabas and Saul? (13:3)

Apply It

  • What time can you commit to prayer each day for the staff of your church?

On Cyprus - Acts 13:4-12

Understand It

  • Who directed Barnabas and Saul on their journey? (13:4)
  • What did the missionaries do in Salamis? (13:5)
  • Who helped Barnabas and Saul? (13:5)

Apply It

  • How can you be helpful to a missionary or Christian worker in your church this week?

In Pisidian Antioch - Acts 13:13-52

Understand It

  • What happened to Paul and Barnabas while God was causing the church to grow and become strong? (13:49-52)
  • What price did Paul and Barnabas pay for telling people about Christ? (13:50)
  • What effect did the opposition have on Paul and Barnabas? (13:51-52)

Apply It

  • What verse or principle will help you have joy in whatever circumstances you face?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

Tomorrow: Acts 14-16

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