February 8


Day 39: Acts 26-28

By Ron

February 8, 2025

90-Days, Acts, New Testament

Paul Before Agrippa (continued from yesterday) - Acts 26:1-26:32

Understand It

  • How did Paul describe his conversion and new life? (26:12-18)
  • How did Paul deal with Festus and Agrippa during his speech? (26:24-29)
  • How did Paul conclude his defense? (26:29)

Apply It

  • What story of God’s working in your life can you rehearse for sharing with others?

Paul Sails for Rome - Acts 27:1-12

Understand It

  • Why did Paul have the opportunity to offer advice? (27:9-10)
  • How were Paul’s warnings ignored? (27:11)
  • Why did the crew decide to sail on? (27:12)

Apply It

  • To whom should you offer sound advice this week? When?

The Storm - Acts 27:13-26

Understand It

  • How was the ship forced away from safety? (27:14-15)
  • What did the Northeaster do to the ship? (27:15)
  • What efforts did the men on board make to battle the storm? (27:16-19)

Apply It

  • How can you remember—each day this week—to trust in God’s sovereign control of your life?

The Shipwreck - Acts 27:27-44

Understand It

  • Who tried to escape? (27:30)
  • How did Paul thwart the sailors’ plan to escape? (27:31-32)
  • Why did the centurion save the lives of the prisoners? (27:42-43)

Apply It

  • What do you need to request from God to endure the rough passages of life?

Ashore on Malta - Acts 28:1-10

Understand It

  • How did Paul help Publius’s father? (28:8)
  • What happened when word of a healing spread? (28:9)
  • What was the effect of what Paul did for Publius’s father? (28:10)

Apply It

  • What act of service or help can you do for people in your neighborhood this week?

Arrival at Rome - Acts 28:11-16

Understand It

  • After the week-long visit with Christians, what was the next destination for Paul and his group? (28:14)
  • What did the Christians at Rome do when they heard of Paul’s coming? (28:15)
  • How did Paul feel when he saw his Christian brothers? (28:15)

Apply It

  • For what can you thank God today?

Paul Preaches at Rome Under Guard - Acts 28:17-31

Understand It

  • How did the Jews in Rome respond to Paul’s teaching? (28:24-25)
  • How did Paul apply the words of Isaiah to his audience? (28:26-27)
  • What prediction did Paul make about the future? (28:28)

Apply It

  • What is one way you can maintain sensitivity to the Holy Spirit each day this week?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

Tomorrow: Romans 1-3

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