Lawsuits Among Believers - 1 Corinthians 6:1-11
Understand It
- Why was Paul disturbed by the practice of Christians bringing their disputes before non-Christians? (6:1-6)
- Who is qualified to serve as a judge for disputes among Christians? (6:4)
- What did the Corinthians need to do when they were wronged by other Christians? (6:7)
Apply It
- What do you want to remember the next time you are wronged by another Christian?
Sexual Immorality - 1 Corinthians 6:12-20
Understand It
- For what are our bodies meant? (6:13)
- What does it mean to be one with Christ in spirit? (6:17)
- How is sexual immorality different from other sins? (6:18)
Apply It
- In what way can you remind yourself this week that you were bought at a price and are God’s temple?
Marriage - 1 Corinthians 7:1-40
Understand It
- To what has God called us? (7:15)
- What is more important than whether a person is married or single? (7:17-19)
- What perspective can help us serve God well whether married or single? (7:29-31)
Apply It
- How can you use your unique experiences as a married or single person in service to God?
Food Sacrificed to Idols - 1 Corinthians 8:1-13
Understand It
- How did Paul counsel the Corinthians to regard food sacrificed to idols? (8:4-13)
- How could the exercise of a believer’s freedom hurt a weaker Christian? (8:9)
- What overriding principle should govern our freedom? (8:9-13)
Apply It
- What is one attitude or action in your life that you need to limit at this point? How?