March 18


Day 77: 2 Peter 2-3, 1 John 1-2:14

By Ron

March 18, 2025

1 John, 2 Peter, 90-Days, New Testament

False Teachers and Their Destruction - 2 Peter 2:1-22

Understand It

  • What effect did living among immoral people have upon Lot? (2:7-8)
  • How did the evil people of whom Peter wrote affect others? (2:18)
  • How did Peter say a person could escape the corruption of the world? (2:20)

Apply It

  • How will you deal with the effect of living in a sinful world today?

The Day of the Lord - 2 Peter 3:1-18

Understand It

  • What did Peter tell his readers not to forget? (3:8)
  • Why is the Lord patient? (3:9)
  • What does the Lord’s patience mean? (3:15)

Apply It

  • How can you change your routine to reflect your hope for Christ’s return?

There is a short introduction available for the book of 1 John. You can read it here.

The Word of Life - 1 John 1:1-4

Understand It

  • How did God reveal Himself to us? (1:2)
  • With whom did this community of believers have fellowship? (1:3)
  • Why was this letter written? (1:4)

Apply It

  • What specific steps will you take this week in order to deepen your fellowship with other believers?

Walking in the Light - 1 John 1:5-2:14

Understand It

  • What inconsistency did John address? (1:6)
  • How were some believers apparently deceiving themselves? (1:8)
  • Why did John write this letter? (2:1)

Apply It

  • What steps will you take this week to walk in the light?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at

Tomorrow: 1 John 2:15-4:21

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