False Teachers and Their Destruction - 2 Peter 2:1-22
Understand It
- What effect did living among immoral people have upon Lot? (2:7-8)
- How did the evil people of whom Peter wrote affect others? (2:18)
- How did Peter say a person could escape the corruption of the world? (2:20)
Apply It
- How will you deal with the effect of living in a sinful world today?
The Day of the Lord - 2 Peter 3:1-18
Understand It
- What did Peter tell his readers not to forget? (3:8)
- Why is the Lord patient? (3:9)
- What does the Lord’s patience mean? (3:15)
Apply It
- How can you change your routine to reflect your hope for Christ’s return?
There is a short introduction available for the book of 1 John. You can read it here.
The Word of Life - 1 John 1:1-4
Understand It
- How did God reveal Himself to us? (1:2)
- With whom did this community of believers have fellowship? (1:3)
- Why was this letter written? (1:4)
Apply It
- What specific steps will you take this week in order to deepen your fellowship with other believers?
Walking in the Light - 1 John 1:5-2:14
Understand It
- What inconsistency did John address? (1:6)
- How were some believers apparently deceiving themselves? (1:8)
- Why did John write this letter? (2:1)
Apply It
- What steps will you take this week to walk in the light?