June 14


Esther 8-10

By Ron

June 14, 2024

Esther, Gen-Rev

What I Noticed Today (Esther 8-10)

The reversal of fortune continues in Esther 8-10.

Esther 8

In verses 1-2, the king gave Haman’s estate to Queen Esther, and she put Mordecai in charge of the estate. Esther revealed her relationship to Mordecai to the king. The king elevated Mordecai to the position that Haman had occupied and gave him his signet ring that had been retrieved from Haman.

In verses 3-6, the issue of the king’s edict allowing the annihilation of the Jews had not been dealt with.

  • Esther made a plea to the king to reverse his edict, but an edict by the king sealed with his ring could not be reversed.

In verses 7-14, however, the king allowed Mordecai to write a new edict (474 B.C.).

  • Mordecai’s edict allowed the Jews to prepare weapons and take vengeance on those who hate them throughout the kingdom on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month.

In verses 15-17, Mordecai left the king’s presence dressed in royal robes wearing a crown.

  • The people of Suza rejoiced and celebrated throughout the land as the king’s edict was announced.
  • Many ethnic groups throughout the land professed to be Jews because of their fear of retribution from the Jews.

Esther 9

In verses 1-2, the king’s edicts went into effect on the thirteenth of Adar.

  • The Jews overpowered their enemies throughout all of the king’s provinces, but they took no plunder.

In verses 3-4, Mordecai continued to gain power throughout the kingdom, second only to King Xerxes because he continued to seek the good of the people (Esther 10:3).

In verses 5-15, the Jews put to death all those who hated them, which included the 500 men in the capital of Suza and the ten sons of Haman.

  • The next day the Jews assembled the next day again and killed 300 additional men in Suza.

In verses 16-17, the Jews killed 75,000 men who hated them throughout the Persian empire., but they did not take any plunder.

Note: The number of enemies killed (75,000 Esther 9:16) represents a very small percentage of the total population of the ancient Persian empire, which is estimated to have been 49.4 million people (44% of the world’s population at that time).

In verses 18-19, the Jews in Suza had assembled to take vengeance on their enemies on the 13th and 14th day of the twelfth month and rested on the 15th. The people in rural areas took vengeance only on the 13th day and rested on the 14th.

In verses 20-32, the day following became a day of feasting and rejoicing, which was formalized by an edict of Mordecai.

  • The two-day holiday was known as Purim (for ‘Pur’ which refers to the casting of ‘lots’).
  • Letters were sent throughout the kingdom telling the Jews to celebrate the Feast of Purim every year as a remembrance.

Esther 10

In verse 1, King Xerxes imposed a new tax on the entire Persian empire.

In verses 2-3, Mordecai’s promotion to second in command was written in the records of the King.

  • Mordecai’s popularity among the people continued to grow because he sought their good.

Some thoughts for additional consideration:

  • God’s promises to the people of Israel were maintained by the complete reversal of fortune of the people of Israel that occurred because of Esther and Mordecai. God used them and their situation to bring about the salvation of the people.

What did you notice in your study today? Feel free to visit the website and leave a question or a comment.

All the notes for the book of Esther have been compiled into a single pdf document. You can download it by clicking here.

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

Tomorrow Job 1-4

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