September 11


Ezekiel 37-39

By Ron

September 11, 2024

Ezekiel, Gen-Rev

What I Noticed Today (Ezekiel 37-39)

Ezekiel 37

Ezekiel 37 contains two signs that God will restore the people of Israel just as He promised: the dry bones revived in Ezekiel 37:1-14, and two sticks joined together in Ezekiel 37:15-28.

In verses 1-10, the Spirit of the Lord brought Ezekiel out to a valley full of dry bones. The Lord commanded Ezekiel to prophesy over the dry bones to come to life. Ezekiel did as the Lord commanded, and the bones came together with sinew, flesh, and skin. Then the Lord commanded Ezekiel to prophesy to the bones to breathe, and they came to life and stood a very large army.

In verses 11-14, the Lord explained these bones are the whole house of Israel. The people believe they are dried up, and hope of being restored is lost.  But the Lord said He would open their graves, raise the people from the graves, and put His Spirit in them so they will live. Then they will know that He is the Lord.

Note:  This prophecy will be fulfilled when God gathers His people to the land and Christ returns for His Millennial reign.

In verses 15-17, the Lord commanded Ezekiel to take a stick, write “for Judah” on it, and take another stick and write “for Joseph.” He was then to hold the sticks together in one hand.

In verses 18-28, the Lord explained He would join the sticks of Judah and Joseph together in His hand. He will gather the people together from all the nations where they have gone and restore them to their own land. They will no longer be two nations but one. They will no longer defile themselves. God will save them from their backsliding, cleanse them, and they will be His people, and He will be their God.

David, His servant (referring to Christ), will reign over them and have only one shepherd (leader). They will dwell in the land He gave their fathers forever, and David (Christ) will be their prince forever. God will bless them, multiply them, and will dwell with them. He will be their God, and they will be His people. Then the nations will all know that He is the Lord.

Ezekiel 38

In verses 1-6, the word of the Lord came to Ezekiel, directing him to prophesy against Gog of the land of Magog, the chief priest of Meshech and Tubal. God says He is against them and will bring them out in armor with swords. Persia, Put, and Cush will join them along with Gomer and his horde from the north.

In verses 7-13, this large army gathered from many nations will come against Israel. They will plunder unsuspecting Israel’s riches and livestock.

In verses 14-16, the army will come against Israel from the north, like a cloud covering the land. This will happen in the latter days when through the actions of Gog, people will know that He is the Lord.

In verses 17-23, the armies will come against Israel, and God’s wrath will be roused against the army. God will cause a great earthquake. Mountains will fall down, as will all the city walls. God’s sword will come against Gog so that the men of the army fight with each other. God will bring torrential rains, hailstones, fire, and burning sulfur down upon them. Through this, God will show His greatness and holiness, and then the nations will know that He is the Lord.

Note:  The only other reference to Gog is in Revelation 20:8. Gog is often viewed as the antichrist or Satan. This invasion will take place during “the end of times” or at some point during Christ’s Messianic reign.

Ezekiel 39

In verses 1-8, Ezekiel’s prophesy against Gog continues. God will drive their army out of the north toward Israel, but then God will strike the army, and they will become food for the birds of the air and beasts of the earth.  He will send fire against Magog and the people who dwell on the coastlands, and then they will know that He is the Lord, and He will not allow His Holy Name to be profaned anymore.

In verses 9-10, then the people of Israel will go out and collect the weapons of the army and burn their weapons. They will have wood from the weapons to make their fires for seven years. They will seize the spoil of those who came to despoil them.

In verses 11-16, Gog will be buried in Israel in the Valley of the Travelers. The bodies of the dead will block the path of those who travel east to the sea. It will take Israel seven months to bury all the bodies. Then, as people travel through the land, they will mark the spot if they saw a bone so the men who do burials can bury it. In that way, the land will be cleansed.

Note:  The only valley that runs east-west is the Jezreel Valley.

In verses 17-20, the Lord calls the birds and beasts together to feast on the flesh of the dead soldiers and even their horses.

In verses 21-24, the Lord will set His glory among the nations, and they will see the judgment. The nations will know that God had judged His people, and they will be His people from then on.

In verses 25-29, God will gather His people, they will be ashamed of their past sins, and they will know that He is their Lord. He will pour out His spirit on them, and He will no longer hide His face from them. All this will be fulfilled in the Millennial kingdom.

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Tomorrow: Ezekiel 40-42

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