September 12


Ezekiel 40-42

By Ron

September 12, 2024

Ezekiel, Gen-Rev

What I Noticed Today (Ezekiel 40-42)

Ezekiel 40-43

These four chapters describe in detail the new temple that will be built in the Millennial reign of Christ.

Ezekiel 40

In verses 1-4, the word of the Lord came to Ezekiel in the twenty-fifth year of the exile, in the tenth month, in the fourteenth year after the fall of Jerusalem, or sometime in 573 B.C. A man whose appearance was like bronze (probably an angel) gave Ezekiel a vision with instructions to tell the house of Israel everything you see.

Note: Because the month is not explicitly stated, we cannot be positive about the date. The Israelite religious New Year was the month of Nisan (April-May). However, the traditional Israelite New Year was in the month of Tishri (October-November). Therefore, the date of this prophecy was likely either April 28 or October 22, 587 B.C.

Given the detail of these descriptions, it is easier to visualize in a drawing from the Bible Exposition Commentary.

Millennial Temple

In verses 5-27, the man Ezekiel saw had a measuring rod six long cubits (a cubit and a hand-breath, about 21 inches in a long cubit, 6 long cubits = 10.5 feet). A detailed description was provided from the east gate to the outer court, from the outer court to the north gate, and finally to the south gate.

In verses 28-47, the angel described the inner court to Ezekiel and the side chambers for the priests.

In verses 48-49, the angel described the vestibule of the temple.

Ezekiel 41

In verses 1-4, the angel described the nave (the central place in a church), which the angel described as “The Most Holy Place.”

In verses 5-15a, the angel described the outside of the temple area proper. Again a sketch from the Bible Exposition Commentary is helpful to visualize the building.

Millennial Temple Proper

 In verses 15b-26, the angel described the interior wooden structures and windows of the temple.

Ezekiel 42

In verses 1-12, the angel described the priest’s chambers opposite the temple on the north side.

In verses 13-14, the angel described the holy chambers where the priests will prepare to approach the Lord.

In verses 15-20, the angel led Ezekiel out of the east gate and measured the entire outside area of the temple complex.

Note: This entire temple complex is approximately 875 feet square, 765,625 square feet, or nearly 18 acres (for comparison St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome is  5.7 acres).

What did you notice in your study today? Feel free to visit the website and leave a question or a comment.

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Tomorrow: Ezekiel 43-45

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