March 15


Joshua 7-8

By Ron

March 15, 2025

Gen-Rev, Joshua

What I Noticed Today (Joshua 7-8)

There is an interesting contrast between Joshua 7 and 8.

Joshua 7

In Joshua 7, Joshua ordered spies to scout the city of Ai; they attack with a small force but are defeated.

In verse 1, we learn that Achan, of the tribe of Judah, had kept for himself some of the spoils from the city of Jericho instead of destroying it all as the Lord had commanded. This infuriated the Lord.

In verses 2-5, Joshua sent some spies up to scout out the city of Ai. When the spies returned they told Joshua only 2,000-3,000 men were needed to attack the city. Then men of Ai struck down 36 Israelites and chased them away from the city. The hearts of the defeated Israelites melted.

In verses 6-9, Joshua was distraught when the men returned from battle in defeat. He and the elders fell down before the Lord and asked three questions:

  • Why did You bring us to Jordan to destroy us?
  • What can I say now that Israel has been defeated?
  • What will You do about Your great name?

In verses 10-15, the reason for the defeat, we learn is that one person had coveted some of the items devoted for destruction in the fall of Jericho and had kept the items for himself in direct defiance of what God had directed. This one person’s sin had affected the outcome of the military campaign against Ai and thereby the entire nation of Israel.

Note: I do not see where Joshua inquired of God before commanding the troops to advance on Ai. Joshua did not lead the army into battle against Ai, and their defeat is a clear indication that God was not with them in the battle.

In verses 16-26, ultimately, Achan’s sin was found out, and he confessed, but he still faced judgment for his sin of disobeying God.

  • All the nation of Israel was affected by his sin, and all the nations took part in his punishment.
  • Achan, his family, his cattle and all his possessions to the Valley of Achor. The people of Israel stoned them, burned their bodies, and heaped stones on top of them.
  • The Lord’s burning anger was turned away from the Israelites.

Note: Achor lived up to his name which means “Troubler.” Because of his greed and disobedience, he brought trouble on himself, his family, and the entire nation of Israel.

Joshua 8

Joshua 8 begins with God reassuring and encouraging Joshua.

In verses 1-2, the Lord directs Joshua to march against Ai, because God has assured their victory. The Lord even goes so far as to provide Joshua with the military battle plan!

In verses 3-29, the order of the battle is described:

  • Joshua leads an army of 30,000 Israelite soldiers against Ai.
  • They planned to set up an ambush so that when the men of Ai came out of the city one contingent of the army would draw them away while another contingent attacked from behind and took the city.
  • The next morning Joshua and the elders led the attack. 5,000 Israelites drew the men of Ai away from the city, while the rest of the Israelite army went into the city, captured it, and burned it.
  • The men of Ai saw their city burning and tried to return, but they were trapped. All the soldiers were killed, and then all the people in the city were killed.
  • Once Ai was conquered, the people were given permission by the Lord to take spoils from the city if Achan had only waited and obeyed God!

In verses 30-35, once Ai was destroyed, Joshua built an altar and wrote the Words of the Law on it, as commanded by Moses in Deuteronomy 27.

  • They offered burnt offers and fellowship offerings on the altar.
  • Afterward, Joshua read aloud all the blessings and curses of the law to the people that the Lord had given Moses.

Some thoughts for further consideration:

  • In the midst of victory, we may be tempted, and like Achan may covet the wrong things. But our sin, like Achan’s, affects others and ultimately cannot be hidden. We may be able to hide the sin from man, but we cannot hide our sin from God.

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Tomorrow: Joshua 9-10

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