January 12


Day 12: Mark 6-8

By Ron

January 12, 2025

90-Days, Mark, New Testament

A Prophet Without Honor - Mark 6:1-6

Understand It

  • Why did the people of Nazareth react negatively to Jesus’ visit? (6:2-3)
  • What did Jesus say to the people who scoffed at Him? (6:4)
  • What prevented Jesus from doing more than a few miracles in Nazareth? (6:5-6)

Apply It

  • In what matter could you seek the counsel of a family member or close friend? When?

Jesus Sends Out the Twelve - Mark 6:7-13

Understand It

  • What task did Jesus give the disciples? (6:7)
  • How did Jesus equip the disciples for their job? (6:7-11)
  • How did Jesus want His men to travel? (6:8-11)

Apply It

  • To whom can you take the message of Christ this week? How?

John the Baptist Beheaded - Mark 6:14-29

Understand It

  • What do Herod’s actions throughout this episode say about the way sin operates in a person’s life? (6:14-29)
  • Why had Herod arrested and imprisoned John the Baptist? (6:17-18)
  • What happened at the party described in this passage? (6:21-28)

Apply It

  • What concrete action can you take to prevent a certain area of sin in your personal life from controlling you? When?

Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand - Mark 6:30-44

Understand It

  • What problem did the disciples bring to Jesus? Why? (6:35-36)
  • What did Jesus think of the disciples’ suggestion? (6:37)
  • What did the disciples think of Jesus’ solution? (6:37)

Apply It

  • What can you do this week to increase your confidence in God?

Jesus Walks on the Water - Mark 6:45-56

Understand It

  • When did the disciples cry out? Why? (6:49-50)
  • Why were the disciples "completely amazed"? (6:51-52)
  • What had the disciples failed to understand? (6:52)

Apply It

  • How can you make yourself sensitive to the lessons God wants to teach you this week?

Clean and Unclean - Mark 7:1-23

Understand It

  • What were the Pharisees and teachers of the law concerned about? Why? (7:2-5)
  • What were the Pharisees doing wrong? (7:6-8)
  • How did Jesus place tradition in proper perspective? (7:10-19)

Apply It

  • What can you do to honor the commands of God above your traditions?

The Faith of a Syrophoenician Woman - Mark 7:24-30

Understand It

  • Who came to see Jesus? Why? (7:25-26)
  • Why was Jesus impressed with the woman? (7:28-29)
  • What happened to the woman and her daughter? (7:30)

Apply It

  • What concrete step can you take to show your faith in the Lord and your dependence on His power?

The Healing of a Deaf and Mute Man - Mark 7:31-37

Understand It

  • Who was brought to Jesus? Why? (7:32)
  • What did Jesus do so that the man would know it was Jesus who helped him? (7:33-36)
  • What command of Jesus got the opposite effect He intended? (7:36)

Apply It

  • What can you do to reach out to someone in need this week?

Jesus Feeds the Four Thousand - Mark 8:1-13

Understand It

  • Why did Jesus call the disciples to Him? (8:1-3)
  • How did Jesus involve His disciples in this problem? (8:5-8)
  • How much food went uneaten? (8:8)

Apply It

  • To whom can you show compassion? How and when?

The Yeast of the Pharisees and Herod - Mark 8:14-21

Understand It

  • What did Jesus warn His disciples against? (8:15)
  • Why couldn’t the disciples understand what Jesus said? (8:17-18)
  • Why was Jesus amazed at His disciples? (8:17-21)

Apply It

  • What is one step you can take to soften your heart toward God this week?

The Healing of a Blind Man at Bethsaida - Mark 8:22-26

Understand It

  • What did the people do about the blind man’s condition? (8:22)
  • How did Jesus heal the blind man? (8:23-25)
  • What did Jesus urge the man to do after he was healed? (8:26)

Apply It

  • What can you do this week for someone in need?

Peter's Confession of Christ - Mark 8:27-30

Understand It

  • What did Jesus ask His disciples? (8:27)
  • What did people theorize about Jesus? (8:27-28)
  • How did the disciples answer Jesus’ question? (8:29)

Apply It

  • How can you state your faith in Christ’s Lordship?

Jesus Predicts His Death - Mark 8:31-9:1

Understand It

  • Who rebuked whom? Why? (8:32-33)
  • In what way did Peter have in mind the "things of man" as opposed to the "things of God"? (8:33)
  • What did Jesus want His disciples to do? (8:34-35)

Apply It

  • What attitude or practice do you need to change in obedience to Christ?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

Tomorrow: Mark 10-12

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