June 9


Nehemiah 9-10

By Ron

June 9, 2024

Gen-Rev, Nehemiah

What I Noticed Today (Nehemiah 9-10)

Nehemiah 9

In verses 1-5, on the 24th day of the seventh month, the day after the Festival of Booths, the people remained another day.

  • They were fasting with sackcloth and dust on their heads as a sign of mourning over the sin in their lives and their spiritual condition.
  • They spent a quarter of the day confessing their sins, a quarter of the day reading from the book of the Law, and a quarter of the day worshipping the Lord.
  • Eight different Levites stood on a platform before the people and cried out loudly to the Lord.
  • Then they instructed the people to stand and praise Yahweh.

Note: Nehemiah’s public prayer in verses 9-37 is a penitential prayer (a prayer expressing regret or sorrow for sin).  The prayer recognizes God’s grace and mercy in caring for the Israelites and confesses their sin in rejecting God.

In verses 6-31, the Levites pray on behalf of the people:

  • 5b is the call to worship.
  • 6 recognizes God as the creator of the universe.
  • 7-8 God selects Abraham, established the covenant.
  • 9-11 Exodus from Egypt.
  • 12-15 Description of the wilderness wanderings.
  • 16-17 Israelites rebelled against God.
  • 18-21 The mercy of God & leading His people.
  • 19-25 The giving of the promised land.
  • 26-31 Israelite’s rebellion and disobedience.

In verses 32-37, the Levites conclude the prayer with a petition to God:

  • 32 God is gracious in keeping His covenant with His people.
  • 32-35 God is righteous and faithful despite the unfaithfulness of His people.
  • 36-37 the people are in great distress. They are slaves in the land because of their sins.

In verse 38, the leaders, Levites, and priests made a written binding agreement to be faithful to the Lord.

Note: In the Hebrew Bible, Nehemiah 9:38 is the first verse of Nehemiah 10 since it clearly relates to the establishment of the covenant.

Nehemiah 10

Nehemiah 10:1-29 begins with a list of 84 individuals with their families who agreed to the covenant. The list begins with the governor, priests, Levites, leaders of the people, then the rest of the people who swore the oath.

In verses 30-39, the balance of Nehemiah 10 describes the details of the vow; their commands and prohibitions:

  • 30 Do not intermarry with foreigners.
  • 31a Do not work on the Sabbath.
  • 31b The land is to rest on the seventh year.
  • 32 Taxation for the upkeep of the temple.
  • 34. The fire must be kept burning on the altar.
  • 35-39 A tithe of the first-fruits and first-born.

Note: Ultimately, the people swore not to neglect the house of God (v. 39). The people had done everything they could to get right with God, to restore their relationship. In this oath, they were promising to continue to obey the Laws of God.

Some thoughts for additional consideration:

  • The people of Israel that returned to Jerusalem faced great opposition, yet they persevered in their work. That determination and faith that God’s hand would remain on them brought success. But all this work to rebuild their relationship with God would mean little if they did not continue to honor God and keep His commandments.

What did you notice in your study today? Feel free to visit the website and leave a question or a comment.

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

Tomorrow: Nehemiah 11-12

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