Wisdom From the Spirit - 1 Corinthians 2:6-16
Understand It
- What kinds of wisdom are there? (2:6)
- In what way does the world’s wisdom fall short? (2:6)
- Where does the world’s wisdom lead? (2:6)
- How does God’s wisdom differ from the wisdom of this age? (2:6-16)
- What is God’s secret wisdom that only the mature will attain? (2:7)
- How was Jesus’ crucifixion related to the world’s lack of understanding God’s wisdom? (2:8)
- Why do people often fail to see God’s purpose for them? (2:9)
- Why is it possible to understand God’s wisdom only if His Spirit reveals it? (2:9-16)
- What characteristics will the wisdom that the Spirit teaches us have? (2:13)
- How are spiritual and unspiritual people different? (2:15-16)
- Who can make "judgments about all things"? Why? (2:15-16)
Apply It
- What spiritual disciplines (prayer, Bible study, meditation on Scripture, etc.) could you practice this week to make you sensitive to the Holy Spirit?
- How might you approach a person you know who believes strongly in the wisdom of the world?