September 13


New Testament in a Year – 1 Thessalonians 2

By Ron

September 13, 2024

1 Thessalonians, New Testament

Paul's Ministry in Thessalonica - 1 Thessalonians 2:1-16

Understand It

  • Under what conditions did Paul share the gospel with the Thessalonians? (2:2)
  • What false charges had been made about Paul? (2:3-5)
  • How did Paul answer the charges against him? (2:3-5)
  • How were other traveling religious teachers deceiving people? (2:5)
  • How did Paul describe his relationship with the Thessalonians? (2:7)
  • What were Paul and his companions delighted to do? Why? (2:8)
  • What did Paul want the Thessalonians to remember about his time with them? (2:9)
  • How did Paul describe his work with the Thessalonians? (2:10)
  • In what way was Paul like a father to the Thessalonians? (2:11-12)
  • How did the Thessalonians receive the Word of God? (2:13)
  • How were the Thessalonians like the churches in Judea? (2:14)
  • What kind of opposition had Paul faced? (2:15-16)
  • What is God’s response to people who oppose the preaching of His gospel? (2:16)

Apply It

  • In what ways can you share your life with others in your efforts to share Christ with them?
  • What can you do this week to make sure that you are trying to please God and not other people?

Paul's Longing to See the Thessalonians - 1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:5

Understand It

  • How did Paul describe his departure and separation from the Thessalonians? (2:17)
  • What stopped Paul from returning to Thessalonica? (2:18)
  • What did Paul say would be his crown or reward at the Second Coming of the Lord? (2:19)
  • Why did Paul consider the Thessalonians his glory and joy? (2:20)
  • Whom did the apostles send to Thessalonica to check up on the church? (3:2)
  • What was Timothy’s mission? (3:2)
  • What did Paul say about trials? (3:3)
  • What concern did Paul have for the Thessalonian church? (3:3-5)
  • What did Paul think might undercut the faith of the new believers at Thessalonica? (3:3-5)
  • Why did Paul send someone to check on the Thessalonians? (3:5)

Apply It

  • This week, how could you resist the temptations that hinder your spiritual progress?
  • What younger believer can you help get established in the faith? How?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at

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