There is a short introduction available for the book of 1 Timothy. You can read it here.
Warning Against False Teachers of the Law - 1 Timothy 1:1-11
Understand It
- Who wrote this letter? (1:1)
- To whom was this letter written? (1:2)
- Why did Paul want Timothy to stay in Ephesus? (1:3-4)
- What did Paul say about myths and genealogies? (1:4)
- What was the goal of the command Paul urged Timothy to enforce? (1:5)
- In what way had some believers been misguided? (1:6)
- How did Paul assess those who wanted to be teachers of the law? (1:7)
- When is the Law good? (1:8)
- For whom was the Law made? (1:9-11)
- What did God entrust to Paul? (1:11)
Apply It
- Who is someone to whom you can write a letter of encouragement this week?
- What steps can you take to make sure your motives are from a pure heart, a good conscience, and a sincere faith?
The Lord's Grace to Paul - 1 Timothy 1:12-20
Understand It
- Why did Paul thank Jesus? (1:12)
- What did Paul say he once was? (1:13)
- Why was Paul shown mercy? (1:13)
- What was poured out on Paul? (1:14)
- Why did Jesus come into the world? (1:15)
- How was Paul "the worst"? (1:15)
- Why was Paul shown mercy? (1:16)
- How does a person receive eternal life? (1:16)
- What qualities did Paul ascribe to God? (1:17)
- Why did Paul give Timothy his instructions? (1:18)
- What did Paul say some have done with their faith? (1:19)
- Why did Paul hand Hymenaeus and Alexander over to Satan? (1:20)
Apply It
- What steps can you take today to ensure that your faith is on the proper course and not in danger of being shipwrecked?
- For what grace and mercy that God has shown you do you want to thank Him today?
- What events or experiences in your life can you use to encourage others to believe?