The Trial Before Felix - Acts 24:1-27
Understand It
- Why did the religious leaders hire Tertullus? (24:1)
- Who went to Caesarea? Why? (24:1-8)
- Why did Tertullus flatter Felix? (24:2-4)
- What three accusations did Tertullus make against Paul? (24:5-8)
- Who supported Tertullus in his accusations? (24:9)
- Speaking in his own defense, how was Paul’s introduction different from the lawyer’s? (24:10)
- What points did Paul make in his defense before the governor? (24:11-16)
- What was Paul’s objective in visiting Jerusalem? (24:17)
- What did Paul say about the charges brought against him? (24:11-18)
- How did the apostle show that Tertullus did not have any legitimate charges against him? (24:18-21)
- What did Felix do about Paul’s case? (24:22-23)
- How did the governor provide Paul with limited freedom? (24:23)
- How did Paul’s speaking affect Felix? (24:24-25)
- What motivated Felix to send for Paul? (24:26)
- Why did Paul languish in prison for over two years? (24:26-27)
- Before leaving his position as governor, what did Felix do to placate the Jews? (24:27)
Apply It
- How do you want to be ready for the next time you are misunderstood?
- For what public officials can you pray this week?
- How can you show patience with the changes for which you are still waiting?