Further Instructions - Colossians 4:2-18
Understand It
- What did Paul prescribe for all believers? (4:2)
- What request did Paul make of his readers? (4:3-4)
- What did Paul say about the Christian’s public life? (4:5-6)
- How should believers speak to others? (4:6)
- Who was Tychicus? (4:7)
- Why did Paul send Tychicus to Colosse? (4:7-8)
- Who was Onesimus? (4:9)
- Whose greetings to the Colossians did Paul include in his letter? (4:10-14)
- Which of Paul’s partners in ministry were Jews? (4:10-11)
- What did Epaphras do on behalf of his church at Colossae? (4:12-13)
- What relationship did Luke and Demas have to Paul? (4:14)
- To whom did Paul send greetings? (4:15)
- Where did Paul want his letter read? (4:16)
- What instruction did Paul send Archippus? (4:17)
- How did Paul conclude his letter? (4:18)
Apply It
- How can you season your speech with God’s grace among non-Christians?
- How can you remember to speak well of family members and Christian friends this week?
- What personal relationship can you improve during the next few days? How?