Living as Children of Light - Ephesians 4:17-5:21
Understand It
- In what way were Ephesian believers instructed not to live as Gentiles? (4:17-19)
- How did Paul contrast the Ephesian Christians with the Gentiles? (4:20-21)
- In what way does God want Christians to change? (4:22-24)
- How should new Christians stop living? (4:22)
- How should new Christians begin living? (4:23-24)
- What should we keep in mind concerning lying, anger, and stealing? (4:25-28)
- How should believers speak to one another? (4:29)
- How can the Holy Spirit be hurt? (4:29-30)
- Of what five vices are believers to rid themselves? (4:31)
- What positive commands did Paul give the Ephesians? (4:32)
- How are Christians to imitate God? (5:1-2)
- From what practices should Christians abstain? (5:3-6)
- Whom do we need to avoid? Why? (5:5-7)
- Why should Christians not become partners with non-Christians? (5:7-8)
- How does life in darkness contrast with life in the light? (5:9-20)
- How should Spirit-controlled believers relate to one another? (5:21)
Apply It
- What would be the first step for you in changing an old pattern of behavior?
- What can you do this week to make your Christian living more consistent?
- How can you relate to others today in new, joyful ways?
Wives and Husbands - Ephesians 5:22-33
Understand It
- What service should wives render to the Lord? (5:22)
- What is the relationship of the husband to the wife? (5:23)
- How is Christ’s headship of the church an example to the husband? (5:23)
- How is the relationship of the church to Christ an example to wives? (5:24)
- How are husbands commanded to love their wives? (5:25)
- How did Christ prepare a bride for Himself? (5:26-27)
- How should husbands love their wives? (5:28-30)
- How is the bond between husband and wife greater than the bond between parent and child? (5:31)
- How does the bond between Christ and the church illustrate the love of a husband for his wife? (5:32)
- In sum, what are the responsibilities of the husband and wife toward each other? (5:33)
Apply It
- What is something you can do to help a Christian couple strengthen their marriage?
- How can you treat your spouse with more respect and love this week?
- How can you express your thankfulness to Christ today for making you His bride?