Freedom in Christ - Galatians 5:1-15
Understand It
- What challenge did Paul set before the Galatians? (5:1)
- Why did Paul challenge the Christians to be resolute? (5:1)
- What warning did Paul issue to the Galatians? (5:2)
- How would turning to the Law obligate the Galatian Christians? (5:3)
- What consequence would seeking justification by Law bring? (5:4)
- How did Paul contrast legalists and true believers? (5:5)
- How did Paul sum up the significance of circumcision? (5:6)
- What really matters? (5:6)
- How did Paul describe the Galatians’ Christian experience? (5:7)
- How had false teaching affected the Galatian church? (5:8-9)
- Why was Paul optimistic about the Galatians? (5:10)
- How did the Cross mark the end of the Law? (5:11)
- What strong words did Paul have for the Judaizers? (5:12)
- How were the Galatian Christians to use their freedom? (5:14)
- What were the Galatians called on to guard against? (5:15)
Apply It
- Who is one neighbor to whom you can show a gesture of love this week?
- As you run your race for Christ today, how can you free yourself of unnecessary rules and regulations that hinder your progress?
- Whom can you invite to join you in running a good race?
Life by the Spirit - Galatians 5:16-26
Understand It
- What would happen if the Galatians lived by the power of the Holy Spirit? (5:16)
- What is the conflict between the sinful nature and the Spirit? (5:17)
- How were the Galatians affected by the conflict between the sinful nature and the Spirit? (5:17)
- How could the Galatian Christians lead godly lives? (5:18)
- What is one obvious feature of human nature? (5:19)
- To what sexual sins are we prone? (5:19)
- What religious sins does the sinful nature produce? (5:20)
- What societal evils come from our sinful nature? (5:20-21)
- In what sense is Paul’s list of sins incomplete? (5:21)
- What warning is given to those who live sinful lives? (5:21)
- What happens to a Christian who is under the control of the Holy Spirit? (5:22-23)
- What is the result of yielding to the Spirit? (5:22-23)
- How do the Christian graces affect all areas of the believer’s life? (5:22-23)
- How is a Christian empowered to live by the Spirit? (5:24-25)
- What did Paul tell the Galatian Christians not to do? (5:26)
Apply It
- What can you do this week to nurture the character of the Holy Spirit in your life?
- How can you and the Spirit get rid of the dead wood that stifles your growth?
- What do you want to do the next time you encounter conceit or envy in your church?