April 30


New Testament in a Year – John 18

By Ron

April 30, 2024

John, New Testament

Jesus Arrested - John 18:1-11

Understand It

  • Where did Jesus and His disciples go when Jesus had finished praying? (18:1)
  • How did Judas know about the place where Jesus and His disciples had gone? (18:2)
  • Whom did Judas guide into the grove? (18:3)
  • What question did Jesus ask Judas and the others with him? (18:4)
  • How did Jesus identify Himself? (18:5)
  • How did people react when Jesus identified Himself? (18:6-7)
  • What did Jesus tell the soldiers and officials to do? (18:8)
  • Why did Jesus tell the soldiers to release His disciples? (18:9)
  • How did Peter respond to the threat to Jesus? (18:10)
  • How did Jesus correct Peter? (18:11)

Apply It

  • What do you want to remember about Christ the next time someone lets you down?
  • What aspect of your life-style should you change so that you don’t betray Jesus with either your words or deeds?

Jesus Taken to Annas - John 18:12-14

Understand It

  • What authorities participated in Jesus’ arrest? (18:12)
  • Who arrested Jesus? (18:12)
  • What did the soldiers and Jewish officials do to Jesus? (18:12)
  • How was Jesus treated by His captors? (18:12-13)
  • To whom was Jesus taken first? (18:13)
  • What was Annas’ relationship to Caiaphas? (18:13)
  • What duty was Caiaphas fulfilling that year? (18:13)
  • About what had Caiaphas advised the Jews? (18:14)
  • Why did Caiaphas think it good that one man die for the people? (18:14)
  • What was ironic about Caiaphas’ remarks about Jesus? (18:14)

Apply It

  • Following Jesus’ example, how will you respond when you are wrongly mistreated?
  • How should you pray for the religious authorities in your church or denomination this week?

Peter's First Denial - John 18:15-18

Understand It

  • Who followed Jesus? (18:15)
  • How did Peter’s companion get into the high priest’s courtyard? (18:15)
  • How did the unnamed disciple manage to follow Jesus into the courtyard? (18:15)
  • Why did Peter have to wait outside? (18:16)
  • Where did Peter have to wait? (18:16)
  • How did Peter get into the courtyard? (18:16)
  • What did the girl at the door of the courtyard ask Peter? (18:17)
  • How did Peter reply to the question about his association with Jesus? (18:17)
  • Why was Peter standing around with the servants and officials? (18:18)
  • With whom did Peter warm himself inside the courtyard? (18:18)

Apply It

  • How can you use your inside connections to benefit others this week?
  • What can you do to affirm your relationship with Jesus Christ before others?
  • In what areas of your life do you want to express your loyalty to Jesus more openly?

The High Priest Questions Jesus - John 18:19-24

Understand It

  • About what did the high priest question Jesus? (18:19)
  • Who questioned Jesus about His teaching? (18:19)
  • In what way did Jesus say that He had always spoken? (18:20)
  • Where did Jesus say that He had always spoken? (18:20)
  • Why did Jesus advise the high priest to ask those who heard Him? (18:21)
  • To whom did Jesus tell the high priest he should ask his questions? (18:21)
  • Why did one of the officials strike Jesus? (18:22)
  • What did Jesus say in response to being hit? (18:23)
  • To whom did Annas send Jesus? (18:24)
  • How was Jesus sent to Caiaphas? (18:24)

Apply It

  • What is one truth you need to speak today regardless of the consequences?
  • What can you change about your speech in order to be a more open and consistent follower of Jesus?

Peter's Second and Third Denials - John 18:25-27

Understand It

  • What was Peter doing? (18:25)
  • What question was Peter asked as he tried to keep warm? (18:25)
  • How did Peter respond to the question about his association with Jesus? (18:25)
  • Who challenged Peter’s statement? (18:25)
  • What did the people around the fire believe to be true about Peter? (18:25-26)
  • To whom was one of the high priest’s servants related? (18:26)
  • Where had the high priest’s servant seen Peter? (18:26)
  • What did the high priest’s servant ask Peter? (18:26)
  • How did Peter respond to the question asked by the high priest’s servant? (18:26-27)
  • What happened the moment Peter denied knowing Christ a third time? (18:27)

Apply It

  • Under what circumstances do you need to determine to live openly as a follower of Christ?
  • What pressure should you ask God to help you resist?
  • What self-centered attitude will you ask God to help you change?

Jesus Before Pilate—John 18:28–40

Understand It

  • Why didn’t the Jews who led Jesus to the Roman governor enter the palace? (18:28)
  • How did the Jews introduce Jesus to the governor Pilate? (18:28–30)
  • *What did Pilate want the Jews to do with Jesus? (18:31)
  • How did this event fulfill the prophecy? (18:32)
  • What question did Pilate ask Jesus? (18:33)
  • What question did Jesus ask Pilate in reply? (18:34)
  • What did Jesus tell Pilate about His kingdom? (18:36)
  • *How did Jesus affirm Pilate? (18:37)
  • What last question did Pilate have for Jesus? (18:38)
  • *What choice did Pilate present to the Jews? (18:38–39)
  • What choice did the Jews make? (18:40)

Apply It

  • *In what settings might you need to stand up for the truth this week regardless of the consequences?
  • What is one way you can rearrange your priorities this week in honor of God as King over you?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

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