May 1


New Testament in a Year – John 19

By Ron

May 1, 2024

John, New Testament

Jesus Sentenced to be Crucified - John 19:1-16

Understand It

  • What did Pilate and the soldiers do to Jesus? (19:1-3)
  • To what conclusion had Pilate come concerning Jesus? (19:4-5)
  • How did the Jews react when Pilate presented Jesus to them? (19:6)
  • What did Pilate want the Jews to do with Jesus? (19:6)
  • Why did the Jews insist that Jesus had to die? (19:7)
  • How did Pilate respond to the Jews’ demands? (19:8-9)
  • What authority did Pilate claim to have? (19:10)
  • What authority did Pilate really have? (19:11)
  • What did Pilate try to do for Jesus? (19:12)
  • How did the Jews pressure Pilate to give in to their demand to crucify Jesus? (19:12)
  • How did Pilate respond to the Jews’ pressure tactics? (19:13-16)
  • Whom did the crowd claim as their king? (19:15)

Apply It

  • How can you make Jesus the King of your life?
  • What pressure to compromise your principles will you determine to resist this week?
  • How can you use your status or position of power to do right and help others?

The Crucifixion - John 19:17-27

Understand It

  • To where was Jesus forced to take His own cross? (19:17)
  • What did the soldiers do to Jesus? (19:18)
  • Who was crucified with Jesus? (19:18)
  • What notice did Pilate have fastened to Jesus’ cross? (19:19)
  • How did the chief priests want Pilate to change the sign over Jesus’ head? (19:21)
  • What did Pilate tell the chief priests? (19:22)
  • What happened to Jesus’ clothes? (19:23-24)
  • Why were Jesus’ clothes divided among the soldiers? (19:24)
  • Who stood near the cross of Jesus? (19:25)
  • What did Jesus say to His mother and the disciple with her? (19:26-27)

Apply It

  • What want or desire can you sacrifice so that someone else might benefit? How?
  • How can you care for another Christian’s needs this week?

The Death of Jesus - John 19:28-37

Understand It

  • What did Jesus know during His last moments on the cross? (19:28)
  • What did Jesus ask for during His last minutes of life? (19:28)
  • What was Jesus given to drink? (19:29)
  • What did Jesus do once He had received the drink? (19:30)
  • Why didn’t the Jews want the bodies of those crucified left on the cross? (19:31)
  • What did the soldiers do to the men who had been crucified with Jesus? (19:32)
  • What did the soldiers discover when they came to Jesus? (19:33)
  • What did the soldiers do to Jesus? (19:34)
  • Why did John record the details of Jesus’ death? (19:35)
  • What was fulfilled by the circumstances of Jesus’ death? (19:36-37)

Apply It

  • How can you thank Jesus today for His sacrifice on the cross?
  • How can you use the testimony of Christ’s crucifixion in telling others about Christ?

The Burial of Jesus - John 19:38-42

Understand It

  • How did Joseph ask Pilate for Jesus’ body? (19:38)
  • Who went to get Jesus’ body? (19:38)
  • Why did Joseph go to see Pilate? (19:38)
  • Why was Joseph a secret disciple? (19:38)
  • What was significant about the person who went with Joseph to take away Jesus’ body? (19:39)
  • How did Joseph and Nicodemus prepare Jesus’ body for burial? (19:40)
  • Where was the tomb in which Jesus was buried? (19:41)
  • In what kind of tomb was Jesus buried? (19:41)
  • Why did Joseph and Nicodemus put Jesus in the particular tomb they chose? (19:42)
  • What holiday affected the preparations for Jesus’ burial? How? (19:42)
  • How did the "Day of Preparation" affect the way in which Jesus was buried? (19:42)

Apply It

  • To whom do you want to reveal openly that you are a disciple of Jesus?
  • How can you serve Christ this week regardless of the inconvenience you expect it to involve?

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