There is a short introduction available for the book of Luke. You can read it here.
Introduction - Luke 1:1-4
Understand It
- What clues about the relationship between Luke and Theophilus can be found in this introduction? (1:1-3)
- How had Luke received his evidence for the "things fulfilled among us"? (1:2)
- On what kind of people did Luke rely for his information? (1:2)
- How did Luke rely on eyewitnesses in writing his Gospel? (1:2)
- Who were the "servants of the word"? (1:2)
- What credentials did Luke use to back up the trustworthiness of what he wrote? (1:3)
- How did Luke describe his approach to historical research? (1:3)
- What reasons did Luke give for deciding to write his Gospel? (1:3-4)
- What did Luke hope would be the result of this Gospel in the life of Theophilus? (1:4)
- What does the phrase "know the certainty of the things you have been taught" mean? (1:4)
Apply It
- How do you personally plan to approach this study of the Gospel of Luke?
- What question about the life of Christ would you like answered by a study of this Gospel?
- What difference would you like there to be in your relationship with Christ as a result of reading Luke?
The Birth of John the Baptist Foretold - Luke 1:5-25
Understand It
- Who were Zechariah and Elizabeth? (1:5-7)
- What characteristics did Zechariah and Elizabeth have in common? (1:5-7)
- How well did Zechariah and Elizabeth handle the frustration of childlessness? (1:6, 13, 25)
- How were Zechariah and Elizabeth "upright in the sight of God"? (1:6)
- For what duty was Zechariah chosen by lot? (1:8-10)
- What experience gripped Zechariah with fear? (1:11-12)
- What facts can we note about angels from the information in this passage? (1:11-12, 19)
- What promises did Gabriel make concerning the child who would be born to this elderly couple? (1:13-17)
- What instructions did Gabriel give Zechariah about his and Elizabeth’s role as parents? (1:14-16)
- How did Gabriel describe the main purpose of John’s life? (1:16-17)
- What conclusions can we draw about Zechariah from his answer to the angel’s announcement? (1:18)
- Why was Zechariah rendered unable to speak until the day of the prophecy’s fulfillment? (1:19-20)
- How did Elizabeth react to Zechariah’s news? (1:25)
- How many miracles are referred to in this passage? (1:9, 11, 20, 24)
Apply It
- What long-term frustration can you identify in your life that needs to be entrusted to God?
- How can you strengthen your realization that God is in control of the events of your life?
The Birth of Jesus Foretold - Luke 1:26-38
Understand It
- Who greeted Mary? Why? (1:26-28)
- How did Mary learn of her role in Jesus’ birth? (1:26-28)
- How did Mary feel when the angel appeared to her? (1:29-30)
- How did Gabriel describe the child that would be born to Mary? (1:31-33)
- What title would Jesus have? (1:32)
- What Old Testament personalities were part of Jesus’ royal line? (1:32-33)
- Why wasn’t Mary struck dumb by the angel as Zechariah was? (1:34)
- How did Mary’s response to the angel differ from Zechariah’s? (1:34, 38)
- Why did Gabriel mention Elizabeth’s pregnancy to Mary? (1:36-37)
- What kind of attitude was apparent in Mary’s response to the angel’s visit? (1:38)
- What did Mary’s final statement to Gabriel show about her relationship with God? (1:38)
Apply It
- What "impossibilities" in your life do you want to thank God for this week?
- What can you do to maintain a servant’s attitude as you live from day to day?
- In what ways can you develop the kind of humble spirit that Mary had?
Mary Visits Elizabeth - Luke 1:39-45
Understand It
- To where did Mary hurry? (1:39)
- What two remarkable things happened as soon as Mary called her greeting to Elizabeth? (1:41)
- What was the significance of the baby leaping at the sound of Mary’s voice? (1:41, 44)
- How did Elizabeth respond to the baby’s leaping inside her? (1:42-45)
- In what way was Mary blessed? (1:42)
- Why did Elizabeth describe herself as "favored"? (1:43)
- In what significant way did Elizabeth address Mary? (1:43)
- Why did Elizabeth’s baby leap in her womb? (1:44)
- Who was blessed? (1:45)
- What general spiritual principle did Elizabeth express? (1:45)
Apply It
- What older Christian could you contact or visit this week to express appreciation for the help he or she has been to you?
- For what work of God do you want to celebrate or praise Him?
Mary's Song - Luke 1:46-56
Understand It
- What were the two parts of Mary’s song? (1:46-55)
- What attributes of God are extolled in the first part of Mary’s song? (1:46-49)
- What different titles for God did Mary mention in her song? (1:46-47, 49)
- What specific actions did Mary say God had done for her? (1:46-49)
- How did Mary describe herself in her song? (1:47-48)
- What reasons did Mary give for believing that all generations would call her "blessed"? (1:48)
- What characteristics of God did Mary sing about in the second part of her hymn? (1:50-56)
- According to Mary’s song, what kinds of people are given special treatment by God? (1:50-55)
- What happens to people who fear God? (1:50)
- What happens to the proud? (1:51)
- To whom was God merciful? (1:54-55)
Apply It
- In what way can you glorify the Lord and rejoice in your Savior this week?
- What person close to you still needs to hear you express your faith?
The Birth of John the Baptist - Luke 1:57-66
Understand It
- What two groups celebrated the birth of Zechariah and Elizabeth’s baby? (1:58)
- Why did the relatives and neighbors think that God had shown Elizabeth great mercy? (1:58)
- When did Elizabeth’s relatives come to visit her child? Why? (1:59)
- What was the relatives’ response when Elizabeth told them the child wouldn’t be called Zechariah? (1:61)
- Why did the relatives have to make signs to Zechariah about what he wanted to call the child? (1:62)
- Why was Zechariah’s voice restored? (1:63-64)
- How did Zechariah react when his voice was restored? (1:64)
- What was the effect of all these events on the people in the region in which Zechariah and Elizabeth lived? (1:65-66)
- What was special about Elizabeth’s child? (1:66)
- What was the question on everybody’s lips who heard about the birth of John? (1:66)
Apply It
- With what person can you celebrate a happy or joyous event this week? How?
- What can you do to remind yourself that the Lord’s hand is with you each day?
Zechariah's Song - Luke 1:67-80
Understand It
- What are the parts of Zechariah’s song? (1:68-79)
- Who is described in the first part of Zechariah’s song? (1:68-75)
- Who is the subject of the second part of Zechariah’s song? (1:76-79)
- Who was the source of inspiration for Zechariah’s song? (1:67)
- How does Zechariah speak about God in his song? (1:68-75)
- For whom and from what was the salvation that Zechariah described? (1:69-71, 77)
- How did Zechariah describe the "covenant" with God? (1:72)
- What two results did Zechariah say were guaranteed by God’s oath? (1:74)
- What title did Zechariah say would be given to his son? (1:76)
- For whom was John supposed to prepare a way? How? (1:76)
- How did Zechariah predict his son’s purpose in life? (1:76-77)
- What basic facts did Luke include about John’s childhood? (1:80)
Apply It
- What idea from Zechariah’s song would you most like to communicate to your family this week?
- What would it take for you to be more like Zechariah in your faithfulness to God?