March 25


New Testament in a Year – Luke 17

By Ron

March 25, 2025

Luke, New Testament

Sin, Faith, Duty - Luke 17:1-10

Understand It

  • What did Jesus say about people who tempt others to sin? (17:1)
  • Who are the "little ones" Jesus cares so much about? (17:2)
  • What advice did Jesus give His disciples about how to react when others sin against them? (17:3-4)
  • According to Jesus, how often were His disciples to forgive those who sinned? (17:4)
  • What principle of forgiveness was Jesus promoting? (17:4)
  • What did the disciples ask Jesus to do? (17:5)
  • Why did the disciples think more faith would help them forgive in the way that Jesus instructed? (17:5)
  • How much faith is needed to do great things? (17:6)
  • Why was Jesus’ example of the mustard seed so startling? (17:6)
  • Why did Jesus tell the story of the servant and the master? (17:7-9)
  • In the parable, whom do the master and the servant represent? (17:7-9)
  • What attitude should we have in working for the Lord? (17:10)

Apply It

  • What relationship can you work toward healing this week? How?
  • To what person do you need to demonstrate forgiveness?
  • What "duty" would the Lord urge you to fulfill this next week?

Ten Healed of Leprosy - Luke 17:11-19

Understand It

  • Where did the events of this story take place? (17:11)
  • Who met Jesus as He entered the village? (17:12)
  • What did the ten men want from Jesus? (17:13)
  • How did the men refer to Jesus? (17:13)
  • How did Jesus respond to the ten men? (17:14)
  • What happened to the men as they went to show themselves to the priest? (17:14)
  • What did one of the ten do that the others did not? (17:15)
  • How did one man express his thankfulness to Jesus? (17:15-16)
  • What difference did it make that the man who thanked Jesus was a Samaritan? (17:16,18)
  • How did Jesus respond to the one man who returned? (17:17-19)
  • What did Jesus tell the man about his faith? (17:19)

Apply It

  • About what will you praise the Lord more faithfully this week that you have neglected to notice in the past?
  • Who is one person you could tell today about the great things God has done for you?

The Coming of the Kingdom of God - Luke 17:20-37

Understand It

  • Who prompted Jesus to begin to talk about the kingdom of God? (17:20)
  • What prompted Jesus to say, "The kingdom of God does not come with your careful observation"? (17:20-21)
  • Where is the kingdom of God? (17:21)
  • What did Jesus tell His disciples they would long to see? (17:22)
  • How did Jesus describe what the days of the Son of Man will be like? (17:24-30)
  • What do the days of Noah and Lot have in common with the days of the Son of Man? (17:26-29)
  • What warning did Jesus give to those present on the day of the Son of Man? (17:31)
  • What will happen to the person who attempts to keep his life? (17:33)
  • What "phenomenon" will affect people on the day of the Son of Man? (17:34-35)
  • What would gather where there is a dead body? (17:37)

Apply It

  • What people could you pray for this week who are still trying to keep their own life?
  • This week, what is one way you can loosen your attachment to this life?
  • How can you reaffirm your commitment to follow Jesus whatever the cost?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at

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