The Calling of the First Disciples - Luke 5:1-11
Understand It
- In what setting did Jesus find Himself? (5:1)
- Why were the people crowding around Jesus? (5:1)
- What were the owners of the boats doing nearby? (5:2)
- What did Jesus use to create a little space between Himself and the crowd? (5:2-3)
- Whose boat did Jesus choose for His podium? (5:3)
- What did Jesus suggest to Simon following His message? (5:4)
- How did Simon reply to Jesus’ instructions to cast their nets again? (5:4-5)
- What happened when Simon lowered his nets into the water? (5:6)
- When Simon saw their nets were tearing from the weight of fish in them, what did he do? (5:7)
- How did Simon react when he realized Jesus had just done a miracle for them? (5:8-9)
- Who were Simon’s partners? (5:10)
- How did Jesus speak to the men’s fears? (5:10)
- How did Simon and the others respond to Jesus’ invitation? (5:11)
Apply It
- What areas in your own life can you identify as places where God is requiring long-term obedience from you, in spite of failures?
- What do you need to leave behind today in following Christ?
The Man With Leprosy - Luke 5:12-16
Understand It
- What did the leprous man do when he saw Jesus? (5:12)
- How did the man present his request for help to Jesus? (5:12)
- In what way did the man’s words to Jesus show belief in Christ? (5:12)
- What did Jesus say to the sick man? (5:13)
- How did Jesus treat the sick man? (5:13)
- Did Jesus respond to the man’s request? (5:13)
- What was the result of Jesus’ first words to the man? (5:13)
- What were Jesus’ orders to the man after he had been healed? (5:14)
- To whom was the healed man supposed to show himself? Why? (5:14)
- Why was the man to report to the priest? (5:14)
- Besides showing the priest that he was healed, what else did Jesus tell the man to do? (5:14)
- In spite of Jesus’ request that the man not tell anyone, what resulted from this healing? (5:15)
- What was Jesus’ response to His popularity? (5:16)
Apply It
- What person or people in your life could most benefit from a caring touch from you in Christ’s name?
- What times in the next week can you set aside to listen to God and tell Him your needs?
Jesus Heals a Paralytic - Luke 5:17-26
Understand It
- How did Luke describe the crowd that was listening to Jesus? (5:17)
- Who came to see Jesus, and why did they come? (5:18)
- Why were the men initially unable to bring their paralyzed friend to Jesus? (5:19)
- What did the team of men do when they could not find a way through the crowded house? (5:19)
- What did Jesus acknowledge as the paralytic man was lowered through the roof? (5:20)
- What were Jesus’ first words to the paralytic man? (5:20)
- Why did the Pharisees and teachers think that Jesus’ words to the paralytic man were blasphemous? (5:21)
- What did Jesus show by responding to what the Pharisees were thinking? (5:22)
- What challenging question did Jesus pose to the Pharisees? (5:23)
- How did Jesus answer His own question? (5:24)
- What did Jesus prove by healing the paralytic man? (5:24)
- How did the paralytic man respond to Jesus’ invitation to "get up, take your mat and go home"? (5:25)
- What was the response of the crowd to what happened that day? (5:26)
Apply It
- Who is one friend you could help by a gesture of faith today?
- At what time each day this week can you place the needs of your friends before Christ?
The Calling of Levi - Luke 5:27-32
Understand It
- What was Levi’s profession? (5:27)
- What did Jesus say to Levi? (5:27)
- What actions did Levi take upon hearing Jesus’ invitation to follow Him? (5:28)
- What did Levi leave behind when he followed Jesus? (5:28)
- What was Levi’s first action as a new follower of Jesus? (5:29)
- Whom did Levi invite to his "new career party"? (5:29)
- In accepting Levi’s hospitality, what was Jesus accused of doing? (5:30)
- What groups made a point of condemning Christ’s choice of companions? (5:30)
- How did the Pharisees and others express their disapproval of Jesus’ presence at Levi’s banquet? (5:30)
- What was the point of the Pharisees’ question to Jesus’ disciples? (5:30)
- To what occupation did Jesus liken His ministry? (5:31)
- Why did Jesus come? (5:32)
- What reason did Jesus give for His coming? (5:32)
Apply It
- How can you reach out in the days ahead to one person whom others neglect or ignore?
- What can you do to follow Christ’s example more consciously this week?
Jesus Questioned About Fasting - Luke 5:33-39
Understand It
- Who asked Jesus about fasting? (5:33)
- With what other groups were Jesus’ disciples compared? By whom? (5:33)
- What were Jesus’ disciples failing to do, according to those questioning Jesus? (5:33)
- How did Jesus identify Himself in His answer to the Pharisees? (5:34)
- What did Jesus say would cause His disciples to fast? (5:34)
- What was the point of Jesus’ illustration about new and old garments? (5:36)
- What happens when a patch meant for an old garment is taken from a new garment? (5:36)
- How did Jesus’ two illustrations address the challenge that had been put Jesus? (5:36-39)
- Which did Jesus say was better, the old or the new? (5:36-39)
- What was the point of Jesus’ illustration about new and old wineskins? (5:37)
- What happens when new wine is poured into old wineskins? (5:37-38)
- Why doesn’t someone want new wine after drinking old wine? (5:39)
Apply It
- How can you show respect for the way other Christians honor God?
- What can you do this week to become more open to changing as God directs?