March 11


New Testament in a Year – Luke 7

By Ron

March 11, 2025

Luke, New Testament

The Faith of the Centurion - Luke 7:1-10

Understand It

  • In what town did Jesus heal the centurion’s servant? (7:1-2)
  • What did the centurion ask Jesus to do? (7:3)
  • Whom did the centurion send to present his request to Jesus? (7:3)
  • What reason did the elders give Jesus to honor their request on behalf of the centurion? (7:3)
  • What kind of reputation did the centurion have among the people of Capernaum? (7:3)
  • What different character qualities were demonstrated by the centurion? (7:3-8)
  • What message did the centurion send when he discovered Jesus was actually coming to his house? (7:6-8)
  • What was the centurion’s perception of Jesus? (7:6-7)
  • How did the centurion understand the concept of authority? (7:6-8)
  • If your knowledge were limited to this passage, what would you know about centurions? (7:8)
  • How did Jesus react to the centurion’s words? (7:9)
  • To whom did Jesus remark on the uniqueness of the centurion’s faith? (7:9)
  • What happened to the centurion’s servant? (7:10)

Apply It

  • How could you affirm the faith of someone who has been an example to you?
  • How can you strengthen your friendships with other Christians this week?

Jesus Raises a Widow's Son - Luke 7:11-17

Understand It

  • Who went with Jesus to Nain? (7:11)
  • What pairs of opposites can you find in the passage? (7:11-17)
  • What can we learn about mourning in Jesus’ day? (7:12)
  • What kind of person died? (7:12, 14)
  • What was Jesus’ reaction to the people He encountered? (7:13-15)
  • What commands did Jesus give? (7:13-14)
  • How did the mother and her son react to Jesus? (7:14-15)
  • How did the crowd react to Jesus? (7:16)
  • Who did the people think Jesus was? (7:16)
  • What was the result of the miracle? (7:17)

Apply It

  • What people in pain might you reach out to this week?
  • How can you nurture your expectancy about Jesus’ power?
  • With whom can you share your expectation of what God can do today?

Jesus and John the Baptist - Luke 7:18-35

Understand It

  • How did John react to the reports about Jesus? (7:18-19)
  • For what two questions did John want answers? (7:19)
  • What was Jesus doing when John’s disciples arrived? (7:21)
  • How did Jesus answer the visitors’ questions? (7:21-22)
  • According to Jesus, what was John’s role? (7:24-27)
  • How did Jesus describe greatness? (7:28)
  • Why did the people react in different ways to the words of Jesus? (7:29-30)
  • What did the people’s reactions say about their relationship with God? (7:29-30)
  • To what did Jesus compare the people of His day? (7:31-32)
  • How did people characterize John the Baptist? (7:33)
  • How did the description of John the Baptist compare with their characterization of Jesus? (7:34)
  • What did Jesus conclude about the people of His day? (7:35)

Apply It

  • What can you do this week to be on guard against faltering faith?
  • Of what messengers of Jesus do you need to be more wary today?
  • What opportunities might you have in the next few days to express your beliefs, as well as your doubts?

Jesus Anointed by a Sinful Woman - Luke 7:36-50

Understand It

  • Who invited Jesus to dinner? (7:36)
  • What did one woman do when she heard where Jesus was to dine? (7:37-38)
  • What did the Pharisee say about what the woman did? (7:39)
  • How did Jesus respond to Simon the Pharisee’s harsh thoughts? (7:40-43)
  • What did Jesus know about the woman’s motivation? (7:41-42)
  • What did Jesus think of Simon’s hospitality? (7:44-46)
  • What contrasting treatment did Jesus mention? (7:44-46)
  • What was the result of the woman’s kindness? (7:47-48)
  • How did the other guests react to Jesus’ forgiveness of the woman? (7:49)
  • What did Jesus say to the disapproving guests? (7:50)
  • Why, according to Jesus, was the woman saved? (7:50)
  • What was Jesus’ double blessing on the woman? (7:50)

Apply It

  • What can you do to foster your own thankfulness to God this week?
  • What people do you want to view more with Jesus’ eyes?

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