Jesus Sends Out the Twelve - Luke 9:1-9
Understand It
- What happened after Jesus had called the twelve disciples together? (9:1-2)
- What authority was granted to the Twelve? (9:1-2)
- How did Jesus instruct the Twelve to proceed? (9:3-5)
- What were the disciples to do if a town would not welcome them? (9:6)
- What was the disciples’ response to Jesus’ instructions? (9:6)
- Who became aware of Jesus and the Twelve? (9:7)
- What did Herod think of Jesus’ healing and preaching? (9:7)
- What were the various explanations of Jesus? (9:7-8)
- What resurrection images did Luke mention? (9:7-8)
- What basic question did Herod have about Jesus? (9:9)
- What did Herod want to do? Why? (9:9)
Apply It
- How can you prepare yourself this week for the future God has in mind for you?
- How can you better take advantage of God’s power and authority in your life?
Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand - Luke 9:10-17
Understand It
- From where had the apostles returned? (9:10)
- What was the first thing the disciples did? (9:10)
- What did Jesus decide to do after the apostles had returned? (9:10)
- How did Jesus’ plans change? (9:11)
- What did the apostles want to do with the crowd? (9:12)
- What did Jesus propose to do with the crowd? (9:13)
- What were the choices for feeding the crowds? (9:13)
- In what order of events did Jesus go about feeding the people? (9:16)
- How did the disciples help Jesus? (9:16)
- What were the results of Jesus’ miracle? (9:17)
Apply It
- What people in need living in your community can you take steps to help this month?
- What can you do to increase your faith in God’s miraculous powers?
Peter's Confession of Christ - Luke 9:18-27
Understand It
- What was Jesus doing when He was alone with His disciples? (9:18)
- What was Jesus’ series of questions? (9:18, 20)
- Who did the crowd think Jesus was? (9:19)
- Who spoke up when Jesus brought up the question of His identity? (9:20)
- What was Jesus’ reaction to the statement by Peter? (9:21)
- What kind of future did Jesus predict for Himself? (9:22)
- How often is our allegiance to Christ demanded? (9:23)
- What are the conditions for discipleship with Jesus? (9:23)
- What kind of commitment does discipleship require? (9:24-25)
- What did Jesus say would happen to anyone who is ashamed of Him and His words? (9:26)
- With what prediction did Jesus conclude His admonition to the disciples? (9:27)
Apply It
- What situations this week might call for you to speak out about Jesus’ identity?
- How can you pray this week to help you talk about Jesus with others?
- With whom can you pray this week for the purpose of denying yourself and following Jesus?
The Transfiguration - Luke 9:28-36
Understand It
- Who went with Jesus up a mountain? (9:28)
- Why did Jesus and His disciples go up the mountain? (9:28)
- What happened to Jesus while He was praying? (9:29)
- Who suddenly appeared, and what did they do? (9:30-31)
- How did Moses and Elijah describe Jesus’ departure? (9:31)
- How were Peter, John, and James feeling at this point? (9:32)
- What did Peter and his companions see? (9:32)
- How did Peter react to the amazing scene? (9:33)
- Why were the disciples suddenly afraid? (9:34)
- What did the voice from the cloud say about Jesus? (9:35)
- What happened to Moses and Elijah? (9:36)
- How did the disciples handle their experience? (9:36)
Apply It
- What book or passage of the Bible could you read to help you better understand your relationship to Jesus?
- What can you do in your private devotions to help you listen to God’s Son?
- With what person or people could you share what you have learned from this passage?
The Healing of a Boy with an Evil Spirit - Luke 9:37-45
Understand It
- What did Jesus and His disciples encounter when they came down from the mountain? (9:37)
- Why did the man ask Jesus to look at his son? (9:38)
- What had been happening to the boy? (9:39)
- What had the father tried to no avail? (9:40)
- To what did Jesus attribute the disciples’ failure to heal the boy? (9:41)
- What happened to the boy while he was being brought to Jesus? (9:42)
- What three things did Jesus do? (9:42)
- What was the crowd’s reactions to what they saw? (9:43)
- How did Jesus respond to the people’s admiration? (9:43-44)
- What did Jesus predict about Himself? (9:44)
- How much did the disciples understand of what Jesus told them? (9:45)
- What was the disciples’ overriding emotion at the time? (9:45)
Apply It
- What area of unbelief do you want to talk with God about this week?
- For those aspects of Jesus that you still don’t understand, what is one step you can take to learn more?
Who Will Be the Greatest? - Luke 9:46-50
Understand It
- How did an argument start among the disciples? (9:46)
- About what did the disciples argue? (9:46)
- How did Jesus find out what was happening? (9:47)
- What did Jesus use to reply to the disciples’ ambition? (9:47)
- What connections between the child and God did Jesus make? (9:48)
- What reason did Jesus give for connecting children with God? (9:48)
- How did John change the subject? (9:49)
- Why had the disciples tried to stop the man? (9:49)
- What did Jesus think of the disciples’ gallantry? (9:50)
- What reason did Jesus give for not stopping the man who was driving out demons? (9:50)
Apply It
- What is one step you can take to subject your ambitions to the ambitions of Jesus?
- How can you foster a spirit of teamwork in your church or religious group in the weeks ahead?
Samaritan Opposition - Luke 9:51-56
Understand It
- What significant event was looming on the horizon? (9:51)
- Where was Jesus going? (9:51)
- In what manner did Jesus set out for His journey? (9:51)
- What preparations did Jesus make? Why? (9:51-52)
- What were the messengers supposed to do? (9:52)
- Why didn’t the Samaritans welcome Jesus? (9:53)
- Where did Jesus and His disciples go? Why? (9:53-56)
- What did James and John think of Samaritan hospitality? (9:54)
- What did James and John want to bring down on the Samaritans? Why? (9:54)
- What did Jesus think of His disciples’ suggestion? (9:55)
- What did Jesus do about the Samaritans’ rejection? (9:56)
Apply It
- What steps can you take over the next few days to keep your God-inspired goals in mind?
- What do you want to remember the next time you feel a desire to retaliate or get even?
The Cost of Following Jesus - Luke 9:57-62
Understand It
- Where were Jesus and His disciples when this story began? (9:57)
- To what lengths did the first man say he would follow Jesus? (9:57)
- What was Jesus’ reply to the first man’s statement of devotion? (9:58)
- In what way were foxes and birds of the air more secure than Jesus? (9:58)
- What did the second man want to do before following Jesus? (9:59)
- What was the second man to do instead of burying his father? (9:60)
- How did Jesus respond to the obligations of family life? (9:60, 62)
- What did the third person want to do before following Jesus? (9:61)
- Who is not fit for the kingdom of God? (9:62)
- What imagery did Jesus evoke to examine the person’s loyalties? (9:62)
Apply It
- What would help you this week to remember your loyalty to Christ?
- With whom in your circle of family or friends can you reaffirm your desire to follow Jesus?