God's Faithfulness - Romans 3:1-8
Understand It
- What is the advantage of being a Jew? (3:1-2)
- How did God show favor toward the Jews? (3:1-2)
- With what have Jews been entrusted? (3:2)
- How does failure to be true to God reflect on the character of God? (3:3-4)
- When we realize our own sinfulness, what do we learn about the character of God? (3:5)
- What brings out God’s righteousness more clearly? (3:5)
- What was Paul’s response to the charge that God is unjust in judging us? (3:5)
- What was Paul’s human argument about the fairness of God’s judgment of us? (3:5-8)
- How is God’s character affected by the level of our sinfulness? (3:7)
- What false statement or teaching was being attributed to Paul? (3:8)
- Who did Paul say deserves condemnation? (3:8)
Apply It
- What sins in your life do you need to confess to God and repent of this week?
- What step or action can you take this week to keep you from taking God’s grace for granted?
- Which of God’s promises do you want to keep in your thoughts this week?
No One Is Righteous - Romans 3:9-20
Understand It
- How did Paul compare himself to others? (3:9)
- How are Jews and Gentiles alike? (3:9)
- Who is righteous? (3:10)
- What is our natural tendency toward God? (3:11)
- What is the result of turning away from God? (3:12)
- What is human nature? (3:12)
- How do our conversations and speech reflect our sinful nature? (3:13-14)
- What are the characteristics of people who stand condemned before God? (3:13-18)
- What does God’s law show us about ourselves? (3:19)
- What is the purpose of having God’s law? (3:19-20)
- What reward does a person receive for observing the Law? (3:20)
Apply It
- What "laws" do you need to put aside in your life in favor of the true righteousness God offers?
- With what believer could you meet and spend time in prayer and confession? When?
Righteousness Through Faith - Romans 3:21-31
Understand It
- What new righteousness has been made known? (3:21)
- What previous indication was there about the existence of the new righteousness? (3:21)
- What is the source of our righteousness? (3:22)
- How does a person obtain righteousness? (3:22)
- What heritage do you share with every person who has ever lived? (3:23)
- What justifies us in God’s sight? (3:24)
- What is the cost or price of justification with God? (3:24)
- What did God do to provide a means of justification and forgiveness for every person? (3:25)
- How does providing Christ Jesus as a sacrifice demonstrate the justice of God? (3:25-26)
- On what basis can a person brag about his or her righteousness? (3:27)
- What justifies a person in God’s sight? (3:28)
- How will Jews and Gentiles be judged by God? (3:29-30)
- What is the relationship between having faith and observing the Law? (3:29-31)
Apply It
- When could you meet with another person to share the good news of God’s redemptive plan?
- In what areas are you still boasting about your own abilities? How can you submit those areas to God’s control?