Peace and Joy - Romans 5:1-11
Understand It
- What is the basis for our justification with God? (5:1)
- What is our relationship with God if we have been justified by faith? (5:1)
- How does Jesus Christ change a person’s standing with God? (5:2)
- For what reasons can a Christian rejoice? (5:2-3)
- What good things can result from suffering? (5:3-5)
- Why does hope not disappoint us? (5:5)
- How has God demonstrated His love for us? (5:6-8)
- What comparisons can be made between people giving their lives for others and Christ’s death for all people? (5:7-8)
- What was our relationship to God when Christ came to die for us? (5:8)
- What aspect of Christ’s death justifies a person in God’s sight? (5:9)
- How did God act to remove the barrier between Himself and all people? (5:9-10)
- If God has demonstrated His love to us through Jesus’ death, what can we anticipate concerning our future relationship with God? (5:10)
- For what reasons can a Christian rejoice? (5:11)
Apply It
- In what difficult circumstances do you need to stop grumbling and stay focused on joy in Christ?
- Who in your life needs to hear that through Jesus Christ they are no longer enemies with God?
Death Through Adam, Life Through Christ - Romans 5:12-21
Understand It
- What did Adam introduce into the world and pass on to his descendants? (5:12)
- What is the root cause of death? (5:12)
- How did the coming of God’s law affect the presence of sin in the world? (5:13)
- How did the coming of God’s law affect our understanding of what sin is? (5:13)
- What came into the world through Jesus Christ? (5:15)
- What is God’s solution to the inevitable problem of sin and death? (5:16-17)
- In what ways are the acts of Jesus and Adam similar? (5:18-19)
- What is the relationship between the amount of sin and grace in the world? (5:20)
- What effect did God’s righteous law have on rebellious people? (5:20)
- What does sin in this world produce? (5:21)
- What does grace given by God to this world produce? (5:21)
Apply It
- In what ways can you thank God today for the grace He has bestowed on you?
- What can you do this week for unsaved friends still suffering from the consequences of sin?