Dead to Sin, Alive in Christ - Romans 6:1-14
Understand It
- Why should a forgiven, justified person make a strong effort not to sin? (6:1-2)
- For what reason would a person not want to live in sin any longer? (6:2)
- What does baptism symbolize about our relationship to Christ? (6:2-4)
- What makes it possible for a person to live a new life? (6:4)
- Before a person is united to Christ, to what is he or she a slave? (6:6)
- How does being united with Christ through His death change our relationship to sin? (6:7)
- After Christ died and was raised, why did neither sin nor death have any power over Him? (6:7, 9-10)
- How will uniting with Christ in His death change the future of our lives? (6:8-10)
- In a person’s new relationship with God, what is his or her relationship to sin supposed to be? (6:11-12)
- What change in attitude and action toward God happens in a person who follows Christ? (6:11-13)
- Under whose control does a Christian live? (6:14)
- How does being under grace change a person? (6:14)
Apply It
- How can you actively resist the tendency to sin in your everyday life?
- How can you offer yourself as an instrument of righteousness to God and to others this week?
Slaves to Righteousness - Romans 6:15-23
Understand It
- Why shouldn’t a Christian continue to sin willingly? (6:15-18)
- Who or what determines the things that dominate or control a person? (6:16)
- How does sin dominate a person’s life? (6:16-18)
- What results follow from being a slave to obedience to God? (6:16, 19, 22)
- What is the result of being a slave to sin? (6:16, 21, 23)
- With what attitude do believers obey their new master, righteousness? (6:17)
- What change has happened to people who have put their trust in Christ? (6:17-18)
- What is the result of being a slave to righteousness? (6:19, 22)
- What are the wages of sin? (6:23)
- What is the gift of God? (6:23)
Apply It
- How can you show your wholehearted obedience to God this week?
- In what areas of your life do you need God’s help to loosen the grip of certain sins?