February 10


New Testament in a Year – Mark 1

By Ron

February 10, 2025

Mark, New Testament

John the Baptist Prepares the Way - Mark 1:1-8

There is a short introduction available for the book of Mark. You can read it here.

Understand It

  • What do Mark’s first words tell us about his Gospel? (1:1)
  • Who was John the Baptist? (1:2-3)
  • Who sent the messenger? Why? (1:2-3)
  • How was Isaiah’s prophecy fulfilled? (1:4)
  • What were the two aspects of John’s ministry? (1:4)
  • What reasons to be baptized did John give the people? (1:4)
  • What had to happen before John could baptize a person? (1:5)
  • When John said, "After me will come one more powerful than I," to whom was he referring? (1:7)
  • What was John’s attitude toward Jesus? (1:7)
  • What was the theme of John’s message? (1:7-8)
  • How did Jesus’ baptism differ from John’s? (1:8)

Apply It

  • What step could you take this week toward becoming a better witness for Christ?
  • With whom can you share God’s promise of forgiveness of sins? How?
  • How can you encourage other Christians to be witnesses for Christ?

The Baptism and Temptation of Jesus - Mark 1:9-13

Understand It

  • Who baptized Jesus? Why? (1:9)
  • Why was this event significant? (1:9)
  • What does Jesus’ baptism tell us about His character? (1:10)
  • What happened after Jesus was baptized? (1:10)
  • How were the three persons of the Trinity present in this event? (1:10-11)
  • To whom was the voice from heaven speaking? (1:11)
  • What did the voice from heaven say about Jesus? (1:11)
  • What happened right after Jesus’ baptism? (1:12)
  • Who sent Jesus into the desert for forty days? Why? (1:12-13)
  • What happened to Jesus in the desert? (1:13)
  • Under what conditions was Jesus tempted? (1:13)
  • What role did angels play in this event? (1:13)

Apply It

  • What concrete steps can you take this week to resist temptation?
  • How can you remind yourself that Jesus understands the temptations you experience, and that He can help you resist them?

The Calling of the First Disciples - Mark 1:14-20

Understand It

  • Why did Jesus go to Galilee? (1:14)
  • What did Jesus do in Galilee? (1:14)
  • How were the two parts of Jesus’ message connected? (1:15)
  • How did Jesus want people to respond to the fact that the kingdom of God was near? (1:15)
  • What did Jesus tell the people they must do besides believe His good news? (1:15)
  • Whom did Jesus call to be His followers? (1:16, 19)
  • How did Jesus get people to follow Him? (1:17)
  • What does it mean to be "fishers of men"? (1:17)
  • How did Simon and Andrew respond to Jesus’ call? (1:17)
  • What sacrifice did James and John make to follow Jesus? (1:20)

Apply It

  • What specific attitude or action should you give up now as an act of following Christ?
  • How can you follow Jesus this week?

Jesus Drives Out an Evil Spirit - Mark 1:21-28

Understand It

  • What do Jesus’ actions tell us about his beliefs regarding the Sabbath? (1:21)
  • Why were the people amazed at Jesus’ teaching? (1:22)
  • What kinds of teachers were the people accustomed to that caused them to be amazed by Jesus’ teaching? (1:22)
  • Why did the man in the synagogue cry out to Jesus? (1:23-24)
  • What did the evil spirit say to Jesus? (1:24)
  • What do the evil spirit’s words tell us about Christ? (1:24)
  • How did Jesus respond to the man possessed by the evil spirit? (1:25-26)
  • How did the evil spirit respond to Jesus’ command to leave the man? (1:26)
  • What occurred in the synagogue after Jesus cast out the demon? (1:27)
  • Why did the people describe Jesus’ teaching as "new"? (1:27)
  • Why were the people so excited about Jesus? (1:27)
  • Why did the news about Jesus spread so quickly over the region? (1:27-28)

Apply It

  • What is one way you can show submission to Christ’s authority in your life throughout this week?
  • What personal need or problem will you ask Jesus, through prayer, to heal this week?
  • What could you do this week for someone who is sick or discouraged?

Jesus Heals Many - Mark 1:29-34

Understand It

  • What did Jesus do with His companions after teaching in the synagogue? (1:29)
  • What problem did Jesus encounter in this situation? (1:30)
  • Why did the men tell Jesus about Simon’s mother-in-law? (1:30)
  • How did Jesus respond to the problem He was faced with? (1:31)
  • Why did Jesus use personal contact to heal the woman of her fever? (1:31)
  • What was the woman’s immediate response to Jesus healing her? (1:31)
  • What do the actions of the woman tell us about her? (1:31)
  • When did the crowds of people come to Jesus? (1:32)
  • How might Jesus have felt at this time, considering he had spent the day at the synagogue teaching and healing? (1:32)
  • What attracted people to Jesus in this setting? (1:32)
  • What was Jesus’ response to the crowds of sick and demon-possessed people? (1:34)
  • Why did Jesus not allow the demons to speak? (1:34)

Apply It

  • What specific area of your life do you need to turn over to Jesus for His healing touch?
  • What concrete step can you take to serve or help someone else this week?

Jesus Prays in a Solitary Place - Mark 1:35-39

Understand It

  • What did Jesus do? When? (1:35)
  • How did Jesus begin this particular day? (1:35)
  • When did Jesus go out to pray? (1:35)
  • Where did Jesus go, and why did he go there? (1:35)
  • What did Jesus consider important? (1:35-39)
  • What did Simon and his companions do when Jesus went to pray alone? (1:36-37)
  • Why wasn’t Jesus able to pray alone? (1:37)
  • What did Jesus plan to do after He was finished praying? (1:38)
  • What attitude did Jesus have toward the people who demanded his time? (1:38)
  • Which of Jesus’ tasks did He consider most important: preaching, healing, or casting out demons? (1:38)
  • What motivated Jesus to go to the nearby village? (1:38)

Apply It

  • Following Jesus’ example, what can you do this week to spend more quality time with the Lord in prayer?
  • When and where can you pray on a regular basis this week?
  • What can you do to increase your consistency in prayer over the next month?

A Man with Leprosy - Mark 1:40-45

Understand It

  • What do the man’s words to Jesus tell us about his attitude or spiritual condition? (1:40)
  • What evidence do we see that the sick man in this story was desperate? (1:40)
  • Why did Jesus heal the man who came to Him? (1:41)
  • How did Jesus heal the leper in this story? (1:41)
  • What do Jesus’ specific actions in this episode tell us about His character? (1:41)
  • What happened to the leper? (1:42)
  • What specific instructions did Jesus give to the leper after He had healed him? (1:44)
  • Why did Jesus want the leper to go to a priest? (1:44)
  • Why did Jesus urge the leper to tell no one he was cured? (1:45)
  • How did the leper respond to all that had happened to him? (1:45)
  • What was the result of the leper’s actions? (1:45)

Apply It

  • To what person in your church or community could you reach out this week? How?
  • What concrete action can you take this week to trust Jesus with your areas of need?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

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