John the Baptist Prepares the Way - Mark 1:1-8
There is a short introduction available for the book of Mark. You can read it here.
Understand It
- What do Mark’s first words tell us about his Gospel? (1:1)
- Who was John the Baptist? (1:2-3)
- Who sent the messenger? Why? (1:2-3)
- How was Isaiah’s prophecy fulfilled? (1:4)
- What were the two aspects of John’s ministry? (1:4)
- What reasons to be baptized did John give the people? (1:4)
- What had to happen before John could baptize a person? (1:5)
- When John said, "After me will come one more powerful than I," to whom was he referring? (1:7)
- What was John’s attitude toward Jesus? (1:7)
- What was the theme of John’s message? (1:7-8)
- How did Jesus’ baptism differ from John’s? (1:8)
Apply It
- What step could you take this week toward becoming a better witness for Christ?
- With whom can you share God’s promise of forgiveness of sins? How?
- How can you encourage other Christians to be witnesses for Christ?
The Baptism and Temptation of Jesus - Mark 1:9-13
Understand It
- Who baptized Jesus? Why? (1:9)
- Why was this event significant? (1:9)
- What does Jesus’ baptism tell us about His character? (1:10)
- What happened after Jesus was baptized? (1:10)
- How were the three persons of the Trinity present in this event? (1:10-11)
- To whom was the voice from heaven speaking? (1:11)
- What did the voice from heaven say about Jesus? (1:11)
- What happened right after Jesus’ baptism? (1:12)
- Who sent Jesus into the desert for forty days? Why? (1:12-13)
- What happened to Jesus in the desert? (1:13)
- Under what conditions was Jesus tempted? (1:13)
- What role did angels play in this event? (1:13)
Apply It
- What concrete steps can you take this week to resist temptation?
- How can you remind yourself that Jesus understands the temptations you experience, and that He can help you resist them?
The Calling of the First Disciples - Mark 1:14-20
Understand It
- Why did Jesus go to Galilee? (1:14)
- What did Jesus do in Galilee? (1:14)
- How were the two parts of Jesus’ message connected? (1:15)
- How did Jesus want people to respond to the fact that the kingdom of God was near? (1:15)
- What did Jesus tell the people they must do besides believe His good news? (1:15)
- Whom did Jesus call to be His followers? (1:16, 19)
- How did Jesus get people to follow Him? (1:17)
- What does it mean to be "fishers of men"? (1:17)
- How did Simon and Andrew respond to Jesus’ call? (1:17)
- What sacrifice did James and John make to follow Jesus? (1:20)
Apply It
- What specific attitude or action should you give up now as an act of following Christ?
- How can you follow Jesus this week?
Jesus Drives Out an Evil Spirit - Mark 1:21-28
Understand It
- What do Jesus’ actions tell us about his beliefs regarding the Sabbath? (1:21)
- Why were the people amazed at Jesus’ teaching? (1:22)
- What kinds of teachers were the people accustomed to that caused them to be amazed by Jesus’ teaching? (1:22)
- Why did the man in the synagogue cry out to Jesus? (1:23-24)
- What did the evil spirit say to Jesus? (1:24)
- What do the evil spirit’s words tell us about Christ? (1:24)
- How did Jesus respond to the man possessed by the evil spirit? (1:25-26)
- How did the evil spirit respond to Jesus’ command to leave the man? (1:26)
- What occurred in the synagogue after Jesus cast out the demon? (1:27)
- Why did the people describe Jesus’ teaching as "new"? (1:27)
- Why were the people so excited about Jesus? (1:27)
- Why did the news about Jesus spread so quickly over the region? (1:27-28)
Apply It
- What is one way you can show submission to Christ’s authority in your life throughout this week?
- What personal need or problem will you ask Jesus, through prayer, to heal this week?
- What could you do this week for someone who is sick or discouraged?
Jesus Heals Many - Mark 1:29-34
Understand It
- What did Jesus do with His companions after teaching in the synagogue? (1:29)
- What problem did Jesus encounter in this situation? (1:30)
- Why did the men tell Jesus about Simon’s mother-in-law? (1:30)
- How did Jesus respond to the problem He was faced with? (1:31)
- Why did Jesus use personal contact to heal the woman of her fever? (1:31)
- What was the woman’s immediate response to Jesus healing her? (1:31)
- What do the actions of the woman tell us about her? (1:31)
- When did the crowds of people come to Jesus? (1:32)
- How might Jesus have felt at this time, considering he had spent the day at the synagogue teaching and healing? (1:32)
- What attracted people to Jesus in this setting? (1:32)
- What was Jesus’ response to the crowds of sick and demon-possessed people? (1:34)
- Why did Jesus not allow the demons to speak? (1:34)
Apply It
- What specific area of your life do you need to turn over to Jesus for His healing touch?
- What concrete step can you take to serve or help someone else this week?
Jesus Prays in a Solitary Place - Mark 1:35-39
Understand It
- What did Jesus do? When? (1:35)
- How did Jesus begin this particular day? (1:35)
- When did Jesus go out to pray? (1:35)
- Where did Jesus go, and why did he go there? (1:35)
- What did Jesus consider important? (1:35-39)
- What did Simon and his companions do when Jesus went to pray alone? (1:36-37)
- Why wasn’t Jesus able to pray alone? (1:37)
- What did Jesus plan to do after He was finished praying? (1:38)
- What attitude did Jesus have toward the people who demanded his time? (1:38)
- Which of Jesus’ tasks did He consider most important: preaching, healing, or casting out demons? (1:38)
- What motivated Jesus to go to the nearby village? (1:38)
Apply It
- Following Jesus’ example, what can you do this week to spend more quality time with the Lord in prayer?
- When and where can you pray on a regular basis this week?
- What can you do to increase your consistency in prayer over the next month?
A Man with Leprosy - Mark 1:40-45
Understand It
- What do the man’s words to Jesus tell us about his attitude or spiritual condition? (1:40)
- What evidence do we see that the sick man in this story was desperate? (1:40)
- Why did Jesus heal the man who came to Him? (1:41)
- How did Jesus heal the leper in this story? (1:41)
- What do Jesus’ specific actions in this episode tell us about His character? (1:41)
- What happened to the leper? (1:42)
- What specific instructions did Jesus give to the leper after He had healed him? (1:44)
- Why did Jesus want the leper to go to a priest? (1:44)
- Why did Jesus urge the leper to tell no one he was cured? (1:45)
- How did the leper respond to all that had happened to him? (1:45)
- What was the result of the leper’s actions? (1:45)
Apply It
- To what person in your church or community could you reach out this week? How?
- What concrete action can you take this week to trust Jesus with your areas of need?