Jesus Before Pilate - Mark 15:1-15
Understand It
- When did the members of the Sanhedrin decide what to do with Jesus? (15:1)
- What did all the religious leaders decide to do with Jesus? (15:1)
- What did the Sanhedrin do with Jesus after deciding He was guilty? (15:1)
- About what did Pilate question Jesus? (15:2)
- How did Jesus respond to the Sanhedrin and Pilate? (15:2)
- What prompted Pilate to goad Jesus about defending Himself? (15:3-4)
- What amazed Pilate? (15:3-5)
- How did Jesus react to the accusations raised against Him by the chief priests? (15:5)
- What did Pilate think of Jesus? (15:5)
- Who was Barabbas and what role did he play in this situation? (15:6-8)
- What did the crowd ask Pilate to do for them? (15:8, 13)
- Why did Pilate try to have Jesus released instead of Barabbas? How? (15:9-10)
- Why did Pilate’s attempt to release Jesus fail? (15:11-15)
- What reason did the crowd give Pilate to crucify Jesus? (15:14)
- How did the crowd influence Pilate’s decision? (15:15)
- What finally happened to Jesus? Why? (15:15)
Apply It
- What reminder can you use this week to entrust your reputation to God each day?
- What is one step you can take this week to strengthen your conviction against pressure from coworkers, friends, or family?
The Soldiers Mock Jesus - Mark 15:16-20
Understand It
- Where did the soldiers take Jesus after His trial with Pilate? (15:16)
- Who was present there in the palace? (15:16)
- Once Jesus had been tried, convicted, and sentenced, who mocked and struck Him? (15:16-20)
- What kind of suffering did Jesus undergo even before being crucified? (15:16-20)
- What did the soldiers do to Jesus? (15:17-20)
- Why did the soldiers put a purple robe and a crown on Jesus? (15:17)
- What did the soldiers say in mockery of Jesus? (15:18)
- Why did the soldiers fall on their knees before Jesus? (15:19)
- How did the soldiers hurt Jesus? (15:17-20)
- What do the soldiers’ actions tell us about their understanding of who Jesus really was? (15:17-20)
Apply It
- What should be your response if you are criticized for your faith this week?
- What could you say or do to encourage another believer who is suffering for his or her faith?
The Crucifixion - Mark 15:21-32
Understand It
- Who was Simon of Cyrene? (15:21)
- What role did Simon of Cyrene play in Jesus’ life? (15:21)
- Why did Jesus not carry the cross Himself? (15:21)
- What did the soldiers offer Jesus once they reached the place where He would be crucified? (15:23)
- What offer of help did Jesus refuse? (15:23)
- What did the soldiers do with Jesus’ clothes? (15:24)
- What was significant about the notice that was placed on the cross above Jesus? (15:26)
- Who was crucified with Jesus? (15:27)
- How did the people insult Jesus when He was on the cross? (15:29-30)
- What did the teachers of the law say about Jesus while He was dying? How? (15:31-32)
- What challenge did Jesus ignore? (15:31-32)
Apply It
- What is one way you can say thank you to Jesus for paying for your sins?
- With what one person can you share the good news of Christ’s sacrifice? How?
The Death of Jesus - Mark 15:33-41
Understand It
- What unusual occurrence took place as Jesus was dying? (15:33)
- What did Jesus say, "at the ninth hour"? (15:34)
- What do Jesus’ words at the ninth hour reveal about how He was feeling right before He died? (15:34)
- What did Jesus mean when He said that God had "forsaken" Him? (15:34)
- How did the bystanders misunderstand what Jesus was going through? (15:35)
- What offer of help did Jesus receive? (15:36)
- What does the fact that Jesus twice cried out in a loud voice tell us about the way He died? (15:34, 37)
- What happened right after Jesus’ death? (15:38)
- How did the centurion react to Jesus’ crucifixion and death? (15:39)
- What caused the centurion to believe in Jesus? (15:39)
- Who watched Christ’s crucifixion from a distance? Why? (15:40-41)
Apply It
- What can you do as a reminder of what Christ did for you?
- When might you have to face loneliness as a part of following Christ this week?
The Burial of Jesus - Mark 15:42-47
Understand It
- When did the events described in this passage take place? (15:42)
- Who was Joseph? (15:43)
- What kind of person took it upon himself to bury Jesus’ body? (15:43)
- What was significant about the fact that Joseph asked for Jesus’ body? (15:43)
- What kind of man was Joseph of Arimathea? (15:43)
- What was courageous about what Joseph did? (15:43)
- What risks did Joseph take in approaching Pilate? (15:43)
- What do Joseph’s actions tell us about his own understanding of Jesus? (15:43-46)
- What took Pilate by surprise? (15:44)
- How did Pilate respond to Joseph’s request? (15:45)
- What did Joseph do to Jesus’ body? (15:46)
- Who witnessed Jesus’ burial? (15:47)
Apply It
- What step of courage can you take in serving God this week?
- What person or reminder can help you draw courage to do what God wants?