The Resurrection - Mark 16:1-20
Understand It
- Why did the women go to Jesus’ tomb? (16:1)
- What question was at the back of the women’s minds as they traveled to the tomb? (16:2)
- What did the women see when they got to the tomb? (16:4)
- Who was the "young man" in the tomb? (16:5)
- How did the women react to the man dressed in white? (16:6, 8)
- What did the angel tell the women to do? (16:6-7)
- To whom did the angel want the women to tell his message? (16:7)
- Why did the women flee from the tomb and not tell anyone what they had witnessed? (16:8)
- To whom did the resurrected Jesus appear first? (16:9)
- How did Jesus’ disciples respond each time someone told them that He had risen from the dead? (16:11-12)
- Why did Jesus rebuke the disciples when He first saw them? (16:14)
- What instructions did Jesus give to His followers? (16:15-18)
- What happened to Jesus after He was taken up into heaven? (16:19)
- What did the disciples do after Jesus had left earth to return to heaven? (16:20)
Apply It
- What is one concrete step of faith you can take this week in your life at work, among your family, or in your personal life?
- What can you do this week to obey Christ’s command to "preach the good news to all creation"?
- How can you honor the resurrected Christ next Easter?